Wedding ceremonies are something that should be enjoyable to be remembered. Each one is a unique experience for the guests who’ve probably been to a number of weddings before. This is why you should plan your ceremony with your guests in mind, as well as your own preferences. But most of all, make sure your wedding isn’t boring or weddings are boring. To avoid seeing your guests yawn, pay attention to the next tips.

The right schedule
The right order of events at a wedding ceremony is there for a good reason – so that things go in the rights order and according to a plan. So, try to stick to the schedule presented at the entrance, so your guests will know what and when to expect. Since certain activities like taking wedding pictures or going through some typical wedding rituals can be boring to some, offer alternative entertainment, For example, you can set up a shaded bar in the courtyard for those who wish to step outside, have a drink or a bite to eat. You can also create a funny Instagram backdrop with props, so your guests can take selfies and have fun while they wait for the next official part of the wedding ceremony.
Two words: hungry guests
You simply don’t want your guests to be hungry during the ceremony. The food quality and meal order is something that people always discuss after a wedding with their friends. Also, all of the dancing can burn calories so people will love to take a bite or two throughout the course of the evening. You can also set up a snack bar or a buffet table at the venue, so people can take some nibbles in between courses. For those who can’t wait until the wedding cake is sliced and delivered to their tables, set up some sweats like cupcakes, tarts, cake pops at the snack bar as well. This will also satisfy those with a bit of a sweet tooth.
The seating chart

Don’t mix frenemies, ex-lovers and other people who dislike each other at the same table. Avoid such a catastrophe by pairing people who know and like each other at the same table. Also, don’t mix complete strangers together at the same wedding table hoping they will get to know each other during the evening. It might or might not happen so play it safe. Mixing people who know each other with a few strangers who are acquainted is the way to go.
Limit the number of toasts
These things can go on and on and will surely cause a few yawns across the venue. Your guests might even lose interest and get seriously bored if your maid of honor goes on and on about your college days. Avoid any boredom among guests by limiting the number of toast to those people that are expected to say a few words. It is also advisable to limit the length of each toast. Make sure you give the memo to toast givers.
Avoid the silence
The right entertainment is crucial for the success of the wedding ceremony. Hunter Valley wedding bands will know when to play some upbeat tunes or go for some slow tunes depending on the moment. This way, there won’t be any silence during the evening and your guests won’t get bored. The right choice of music and entertainment can only elevate the entire ceremony and make it a pleasurable experience for all the attendees.
Make it a kid-friendly wedding
When we discuss the topic of wedding boredom, we have to address those who get bored easily. You’ll probably have some children among your guests. Kids are also known as those who can light up the fun with their funny dancing and laughing out loud. But, kids probably won’t consider the first dance as something they have to give their full and uninterrupted attention to. Prepare some kid-friendly forms of entertainment. For the youngest, you can set up a table with colored pencils, coloring books, and puzzles. For those, a bit older, set up a table with some board games so they can play with other kids or even some geeky adults.
Since you cannot please everyone, try your best to make this ceremony as enjoyable to your guests as you can. But, remember that this is your day too so make this ceremony your own. Let it represent yours and your partner’s spirit in the best possible light.