Yoga for Heart – Yoga which means ‘union’ is an aid to the heart, mind, and soul. The more you practice, the healthier you become. Illuminate the stored energy by exaggerating your inner potential, the inner-wisdom to shape your overall personality. The traditional practices of Yoga are used in the contemporary world to brighten up your life by adopting newer and healthier patterns, as you can see at any Yoga school in India.

Can yoga improve heart health
Yoga is extremely beneficial for your heart, as it helps to open up and balance your heart chakra. Anahata (heart chakra) is green in color, it is the fourth primary chakra, and symbolizes ‘unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten’. It is associated with calmness, balance, and serenity. By attending any Yoga teacher training in India, learn to open your heart chakra, and become the person that you are meant to be.
Of course, the consequences of loving hard are not appreciated in the same manner that you expect. This leads to heartbreak, followed by many negative emotions walking your way. It can be related to your family, friends, partner, children, career, or more. This is where you need to act wisely to balance your heart and mind for correct actions which can be done at a legitimate Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.
Yoga for heart health – The latest research shows that yoga enhances cardiovascular health in numerous ways. It calms the nervous system, tames hypertension, and boosts HDL cholesterol. It improves the blood circulation in the body and even functions of the lungs which may further reduce the risk of any heart disease. Brisk walking, cycling, and other fitness activities like Yoga effectively improve the health of your heart.
Yoga poses that are good for our heart:
1.Breathe deeply with Pranayama exercises
Pranayama or deep-breathing exercises nourish the mind with fresh thoughts and helps reduce blood pressure.
2.Sukhasana (Easy Pose)
It is a simple cross-legged sitting Hatha Yoga pose which is also a meditative pose and relaxes the body and mind. Sukhasana also melts down the anxiety.
3.Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
Tadasana increases awareness, power, mobility, and further nurtures the heart to attract positivity.
4.Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)
It relaxes the nerves, relieves stiffness from your spine. Yoga benefits the entire body, not just specific organs. The asana treats mild depression, stress, and also stimulates the liver and kidneys.
5.Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)
This asana makes the body feel energized and increases lung capacity. It treats lower back ailments like Sciatica. It is a rejuvenating pose that allows your heart to outshine.
6.Janusirsasana ( Head to Knee Forward Bend Pose)
Janusirsana helps relieve the symptoms of menopause and strengthens your mental and physical health. Inhale and exhale as you release the pressure from your hamstrings, ultimately your mind.
Other than the mentioned points, there are many other reasons which indicate that Yoga is an exceptional remedy for your heart. It blooms your happy heart, initiates contentment, and a relaxed state of mind. Yoga does not ask for bills as a medical treatment does, it only demands self-practice and commitment. So, follow this natural remedy to stay away from any hospital rounds, without any side-effects. Heal by immersing yourself in the practices of Yoga.
Live your life with an open heart!!