A man who has major psychological problems was carrying weapons with a hatchet and shot-gun let loose a shower of pepper spray at viewer’s inside a...
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New Hampshire Voters Leading Forum: 5 Takeout
There has been a major turn of events. With the release of GOP forum last Monday, many new things come forward. The experts review is showing with...
Planned Parenthood Defunding Still Fails After Senate Vote
A new argument started last month after a sequence of secretly documented videos were released viewing Planned Parenthood officials deliberating...
The Leading Republican Constitutional Debate: Who’s In and Who’s Out ?
John Richard Kasich who is an American politician, on Sunday encouraged his backing of Medicaid under Obama Care; in dispute the judgment was...
Ted Cruz Political Approach towards Donald Trump
Donald trump once again make his way to the opponent hearts and he seems to do it before. Ted Cruz one of the greatest rivals of the Donald Trump and...