Joe Biden finally announce that he is not going to run for this year President Election, however you can’t know how the events turn for the next...
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Joe Biden Selected a Talented Crew for 2016 Run
Joseph Biden an American representative, who is the 47th and existing Vice President of the United States, as sources informed, “Joe Biden’s...
Former U.S President George Bush Apparently Slits Ted Cruz to Jeb Donors
The former president of United States, George W. Bush, ripped into the Texas Sen. Ted Cruz at a gathering of donors on a weekend. This gathering was...
Another Heart Stopping Incident in Israel
After the dreadful incident of burning the temple in the free Palestine, once again the region was set to fire and another shuddering incident. The...
An Unidentified Drone Was Victimized in Turkey Syrian Border
At the joint border of Turkey and Syria an unidentified drone was seen revoking the border laws and policies. The drone became a victim of Turkish...