Anonymous, group of hackers is planning to release Bill Clinton sex video. The bombshell was dropped recently on 4Chan message board, where Anonymous...
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Donald Trump wins the US election 2016
Donald Trump wins the US election 2016 this morning. The stunning election victory has astonished the entire world and sent shockwaves around the...
As US elections loom, thousands of new Podesta Emails released by WikiLeaks
This is regarded as the final release of the infamous Podesta emails. The whistleblower WikiLeaks released thousands of emails in what constitutes...
Media Favoring Clinton – New WikiLeaks Revelations
New WikiLeaks Revelations have made it clear that the media is acting as a lapdog for Clinton. Connections between the mainstream media and the...
Mexican holiday inspires Google Day of the Dead
Google Day of the Dead Doodle marks the Mexican holiday that honors life and death. Google has chosen to follow its ‘Halloween Magic Cat Academy...