Picture this – people excited to buy tickets to see some fantastic live music. The big day arrives, they turn up at the venue, the performers come out and start playing but something is off. The energy in the room is stifled, a bit lackluster. People are looking around at each other in confusion, wondering what is going on because the music (or what they can hear) just doesn’t sound right. That evening is likely to be a point of disappointment and will cloud people’s judgment of the performance and the venue. That is how important a good sound system is. The music might be quality but if the audience is unable to appreciate what is being played, it can mean disappointment all around. For that reason, ensuring you have a high-quality sound system should be one of the first considerations when setting up a live event.

A quality sound system with all the top of the class features can elevate any venue to envious standards. Find a reliable sound services company to ensure your patrons leave having enjoyed a fantastic evening of entertainment and not just the crackling sound from the speakers.
What should my audience hear?
Sound systems are made up of a range of equipment with the main purpose of distributing sound, in this case, music, in the way it should or as the artist envisaged it. There should be no difference in how the music sounds or feels to the performer to how it is received by the ears of those present in the audience. Whether it is the speakers, microphones, cables or amplifiers, they all need to be in peak condition for an all-round memorable experience. For a performance venue, having access to the right equipment can be a make or break situation in terms of reputation and profitability. Understandably, venue owners can’t be experts in all aspects of performance set-up and performers will rightly have other things on their mind. Consequently, knowing who to approach for expert advice and guidance on sound systems should be a vital part of event planning.
Finding a system to fit your needs
Sound systems are available on a wide-ranging spectrum when it comes to standards, so it is best to complete research on who to partner with before committing financially. Whether it is part of a sound system or the full kit you require, a reputable company will carry out sufficient testing before the transfer, both to check the equipment is fully functioning and that the items are PAT tested and certified. Ideally, you want to work with a company that can evidence experience in your industry; somebody who will provide an honest and clear assessment of your requirements. Sound quality is dependent on multiple factors; as described here, equipment is one of them, but so is understanding the environment that the audio kit will be operating in. Purchasing your sound system from reputable and knowledgeable retailers can save time and money in the long run. They can discuss variables that may impact the type of sound system you need and subsequently recommend what will work best for you, your space and the type of event you will be hosting. Award-winning sound engineer Ainsley Adams explains “It’s worth to invest more on the acoustics of the room and a good sound system rather than decorations, lighting, and video which have an immediate effect on the crowd”.
A sound system technician plays a vital role in how a venue sounds. They use their skills to maximize people’s enjoyment of the music as well as doing an important service for health and safety – you don’t want your audience to leave the performance with ringing in their ears!