Hair loss can be upsetting; it can be especially disturbing for women. Often associated with self-image and femininity, hair loss negatively impacts the self-esteem and confidence of any individual. There are many hair loss solutions available, and hair integration system is among the most popular choices we have today for women.

A hair integration system is an excellent non-surgical procedure that blends real hair with your existing hair into a custom unit. The custom unit features an ultra-fine, soft mesh that allows the hair to stick to your existing hair in the most natural form.
The hairpiece is integrating by sewing the strands of the natural or synthetic hair into a nylon or polyester web-like cap. After that, the web is placed on your required area and blended with the existing hair to create the perfect natural look. Once the process completes, you will get more length, volume, and body.
Types of Hair Integration Systems
Following are the types of hair integration system –
- Taped Hair – Hair strands are taped on to 2 inches wide hairpiece. Directly applying hair strands to the scalp or sandwiching between the hair makes it more durable.
- Wefted Hair – This type of hair system is common in braids or seamless tracks.
- Metal Beads or Micro Rings Hair – In this pencil width hair is individually integrated to hair with similar width and secured using a metal bead or micro rings.
- Bonded Hair – In this, pencil width hair is individually attached to the hair of a similar width and is secured by melting the bond.
- Hair Placed on a Silk-like Material – It is one of the most suitable forms of integration to treat bald spots. It comes in a large piece and cut to cover a particular place. Clips and glues help complete the installation with ease.
Why Opt for Hair Integration Systems?
There are many reasons to choose hair integration systems. Some of the primary reasons include –
- Maximum Utilization of your Existing Hair
Contrary to surgical procedure, the hair integration system makes maximum use of your existing hair. You don’t lose your existing hair during the hair integration process as the new hair only add to the volume and density. It is one of the best solutions to get natural-looking hair restoration. - Comfortable
Hair integration systems are incredibly easy to integrate. It is because instead of managing the weight of full coverage piece, you only have to deal with a small coverage. It makes hair integration extremely easy to use and maintain. - Immediate Results
With surgical hair replacement procedures, you have to wait for weeks before you can see the results. However, with this non-surgical procedure, you can enjoy the results immediately after it is put on your head. And, an added bonus is that it is not painful or risky.
Reasons that You are Suffering from Hair Loss
Following are the common reasons behind hair thinning or loss –
- Alopecia
Alopecia is one of the primary reasons behind hair loss. In certain conditions, our body tends to damage itself; alopecia is one such condition. Your hair grows to throw hair follicles, and when they get attacked, you suffer from hair loss that ceases regrow. The four types of alopecia include androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata, cicatricial alopecia, and traumatic alopecia. - Lupus
Lupus is a critical illness where your immune system becomes hyperactive and attacks healthy tissues. It is not a contagious disease and doesn’t transfer from one person to another sexually or otherwise. One of the side effects of lupus is excessive hair loss. - Nutritional Deficiency
While it is rare, hair loss is a symptom of nutritional deficiency. Hair loss is an indication of some of the lack of significant vitamins and minerals, including iron, zinc, niacin, linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, biotin, etc. In some cases, too much vitamin in the body has also resulted in hair loss. - Thyroid Disorder
Severe hypothyroidism, as well as hyperthyroidism, can result in loss of hair. Hair fall in such circumstances diffuses and spreads across the head, preferably a particular area. Proper treatment of the thyroid disorder can facilitate the regrowth process; however, it can take months.