Back in the days, plastic surgery was limited to the rich and famous. Today, it is affordable and accessible to all. In 2018, more than 18 million people in the US went under the knife. This is a drastic increase from just five years ago.

Plastic surgery is so common that almost every person happens to know at least one person with at least one cosmetic surgery procedure. People don’t even hide it anymore. They flaunt it and, if the results are as expected, even recommend it. Should you really take that recommendation?
This one is tricky question. Whether you have a physical deformity that hinders function or a flaw that affects your self-esteem, going under the knife is a big decision. While the procedures may be improving, surgery is not a joke. It involves risks and downtime. The results can be life changing, both in a good or bad way.
So, while all of us have insecurities, you need to be sure if plastic surgery is the answer to your problems. Here is what you need to know before you visit a clinic for plastic surgery Houston.
Your Looks Affect Your Self Esteem
In an Insta influenced world, looks matter more than ever. As wrong as it may be, ideal body image and unfair beauty standards are real, and they affect some people more than others. No matter how much they try, they can’t stay body positive, possibly because of bullying. If you feel, you are unable to embrace what the world sees as your flaws, and can find comfort in your own skin, you should consider a plastic surgery procedure to give your self-esteem a boost.
This is the reason behind the most common plastic surgeries such as rhinoplasty and breast augmentation.
An Accident Caused a Disfigurement
Another common reasons behind plastic surgery is when people are involved in accidents that result in disfigurement. This disfigurement can be anything from an ugly scar after a fire accident or a broken nose after a car accident. Such disfigurement can often involve functional problems such inability to breathe properly.
In any case, this is when you should ideally go for plastic surgery so that your life remains least affected by the incident.
You’ve Lost a Lot of Weight
When you lose a lot of weight, that is just half the battle. There are after effects to deal with, and sagging skin is one of the worst. People who lose more than 100 pounds are often left with excess skin that is unattractive. While many people choose to wait and give their skin enough time to readjust, it isn’t quite possible in case of a drastic drop in weight.
Cosmetic surgery is a good way to get rid of that excess skin, especially from the chin, arms, and abdomen.
You Want Permanent Results
There is a temporary solution for almost everything. You can conceal, contour, or even go for fillers and other non-invasive procedures. However, those procedures usually have temporary effects. They may cost less and involve zero downtime, but you will have to return for the procedure every few months. In the long run, these procedure can cost you a lot more than a permeant solution i.e. surgery.
If you are tired of your clinic visits or don’t want to go through the trouble of concealing and contouring every day, you can consult a surgeon and see if surgery is a solution.
You Have the Time and Money
People often opt for surgery with one simple expectation – results. They do not expect a surgery to cost so much time and money. The truth about plastic surgery is that it is expensive. If someone is offering dirt-cheap rates, that is probably a red flag. Don’t fall for such scams. Always go to a reputable clinic and ask for a quote.
The cost isn’t limited to the cost of one surgery. Some problems require more than one procedure. There is downtime involved and you may not be able to go back to work until you are properly healed and the scars are gone. If you have the time and money to spare then you can consider plastic surgery as an option.
You Enjoy Good Health
If you are suffering from any health condition such as heart issues, diabetes, anemia, hypertension, bleeding disorders, or a severe mental health issue – you should ideally stay away from surgeries. An ideal candidate for a plastic surgery is a person who enjoys a good health. People who are obese or addicted to alcohol or any other substance can face bigger risks during the procedure.
So, if you don’t have any underlying condition that can increase complications, you should go for it.
Other than health issues, risk factors, and financial limitations, you can go for a plastic surgery if you want to change a certain feature for any reason. There is nothing wrong in working on your appearance to improve your self-esteem. However, make sure you discuss your reasons and concerns with a certified and credible plastic surgeon to set your expectations right.