The stories written by Ruskin Bonds will actually never fail to thrill you, no matter how many times you have gone through it. At the end of every story, you can feel the warmth within yourself, and a lesson learned in the most positive manner possible. That’s what makes these stories by Ruskin Bond to be completely different from other authors.

Your growing up years will not be the same if you haven’t read the stories at one point of time in your life. So, these books are surely going to have their share of positive vibes to it.
There are some points that you have learned, mostly as lessons of life by reading the books by Ruskin Bond. So, let’s just talk about those moralities, which have actually changed the way you look at the world now.
Always aim for excellence as the first lesson:
Ruskin Bond’s books have taught you one great lesson of life. It is always important or you to always aim for excellence and not quite get settled for anything mediocre. If you go through the book “The Room on the Roof” then you will find this moral at the end of the story. You have to be either nobody or somebody. But, whatever you do, you should not be anybody.
He stated that nature is the best home:
In another book called the Dust on the Mountains, Ruskin Bond helped you to know that nature is always the best place for anyone to stay. Once you got the chance to live with mountains for any certain amount of time, you can feel a sense of belonging there. So, this will force you to return to that scenic beauty more and more, with every passing time. It is true if you ever get into a mountainous trip. You can feel the nature calling you with time.
Will is always greater than any obstacle:
Have you read the book titled Getting Granny’s Glasses by Ruskin Bond? IF you haven’t then you should read it now. This story will definitely show you that if you have a strong will, then no obstacle will be that big of a deal for you. The story is genuine to the core and you will definitely fall for the person when you go through the story.
Pointing out perils of the disturbing nature:
Ruskin Bond pointed out the main perils of disturbing nature in his book called The Room of Many Colors. For every possible time the characters felled, it is time to plant two. There will be time when you won’t find any forest at all and the world might turn into one big desert. That’s exactly what is shown in this story he created.
So, if you are actually trying to learn morals from stories, then go for the one created by Ruskin Bond. Once you have gone through the stories, you will feel how easily you can go through the stories and got to the morals as presented.