When we talk about red dot scopes, we consider a number of things starting from reticle size, color, MOA, construction up to the price and ease of use. But if someone asks me what is the single most important consideration when we choose one from the horde of red dot scopes, I would say MOA is in the top. Whether you realize or not, MOA of a red dot scope has a significant impact on the overall performance. But most of us are somewhat confused or split when it comes to agreeing on a specific MOA.

Perfect MOA may vary depending on the firearm, distance, shooter, time of the day, surrounding, target, etc.
Before you expect anything from me, I must tell you that there is no specific answer to what is the best MOA for Red Dot scopes. The actual suitability of a specific size MOA depends on the environment the gun is being used, the firearm type, your target and most importantly, the distance.
Allow me to explain.
For example, let’s say your target is 20 yards from you, maybe a deer, and your scope has 4 MOA reticle. Now, as the closer you get to the target, this 4 MOA reticle will feel like a lot smaller and it will give you higher precision in a close combat situation. However, if you want to use the same 4 MOA red dot for a target that is 300 yards from you, like in battlefields, this 4 MOA reticle will only hamper your performance. If you didn’t know already, MOA stands for Minute of Angle and by 4 MOA, it is implied that at a 100-yard distance, the reticle will be 4 inches in diameter. However, this 4 MOA red dot will become a 12-inch red dot on a target at 300 yards. With a huge reticle like that, you will have a hard time taking a body shot let alone a headshot.So, the same 4 MOA red dot is affecting your performance differently for targets at two different distance. Similar to how distance affects the performance, other factors like the surrounding, the firearm, the target skin tone, etc. have a major impact on your performance. So, a suitable or a “perfect” MOA for red dot will very much depend on the situation you are in – there is no global unit for good MOA. However, from my personal experience, I found 2 to 4 MOA red dots to be most efficient for me. But depending on how your eyes work, you should pick your own “perfect” red dot.
Bigger Dot doesn’t mean better target acquisition
There is a common misconception about the reticle sizes. People often think a bigger dot helps them with target acquisition. But this is simply not true. While a bigger red dot is helpful in a close combat situation, they are not made for long-range shooting as mentioned earlier (4 MOA red dot becomes 12-inch dot at 300 yards). That’s why you should consider choosing a size that will help with both long-range and short-range shooting.