Trademark registration in UAE is gaining a lot of fame since the people have started finding more opportunities for themselves all around the world. As the people have started to realize the importance of trademark and its registration, the number of requests being submitted to the authorities is increasing as well if you need registering your help click here.

Trademark registration has started to get prime importance in different parts of the world because it provides security and protection to the business to a huge extent. People looking forward to it can get their trademarks registered in a very less period of time. All it takes is proper documentation and application submission and you are good to go.
The trademark registration lawyers are also working really hard to help the people in getting registered in the most appropriate manner. They make sure that their clients do not serve extra time and efforts in such matters.
Fees of trademark registration
There are several steps of trademark registration and for several steps, the fee structure is different. While going through different steps, you will have to pay the respective fees t get to the next step
Trademark search
The first and the foremost step that should be taken for the registration is carrying out the search for it. In this step, the applicant carried out a search so that he may check whether the trademark search for the chosen one is in anyone else’s use or not. Trademark search costs 503 AED.
Translating the logo
After the company’s logo has been chosen, the foreign market requires it to get translated. The basic reason behind the translation is to make sure that the logo design does not have any hurtful or offensive comments or terms in it. Logo translation costs AED 70
Application submission
After the logo is translated by the legal translators, the application is submitted to the authorities which costs 1003 AED
Publication in the newspaper
The trademarks are published in the newspaper so that if anyone has objection regarding the mark, he may come up and oppose it. It also costs 1200 AED for the publication of the mark in the local newspapers or gazettes. Note that the publication must be in the Arabic language and in the Arabic newspapers
The authority responsible for trademark registration is the Ministry of Economy. it approves the logos and then the further processing of the matter takes place.
Trademark registration in UAE doesn’t usually take too much time. If you carry out the whole procedure accurately, you will be able to get your trademark within just 6 months. All you need is to stay in your legal boundaries and give your best shot.
For assistance, you can also take the help of registration consultants. They would help you save your time as well as money by carrying out the tasks by themselves. So, if you really want to make your trademark registration journey successful, you should get the help of professionals. They would make things easier for you than ever.