Before proceeding towards the digital marketing and its concept, first you have to understand the marketing mean, if you are a job seeker in digital marketing domain, then this post will going to help you out.

Well, in this fast pace life, we have no time for anything, we are moving towards automation and want everything should happen over a click.
The way life has dependent on the smartphones, each and everything is getting mobile edict and slowly and gradually, we are almost surrendered towards the mobile adiction.
Now it’s a time to understand the marketing first.
What is marketing?
We are not going to describe marketing in detail here however we can say marketing is a tactics to attract customers towards a product or service.
Now the question is What is Digital Marketing?
Digital Marketing is as simple as the term marketing as Digital Marketing is a tactics to attract customers towards a product or service on digital platform.
Digital Marketing term has boom over a last couple of years and showing potential in digital world. Youth is attracting towards this domain and searching the opportunity on the same domain.
Who is eligible for Digital Marketing:
Here is the most important thing is, you have to first understand the digital marketing and if you want to make a career in same domain then its as simple as others, you have to go deep dive in to this digital world.
There is no certain crieteria or eligiblility to go for digital marketing, howerver you should be a tech freak and enthusiast enough in this field.
You can opt the digital marketing domain after your graduation in any stream however a deep knowledge of technology and marketing will added advantage.
Lets know more about digital marketing and its aspects:
Digital marketing starts with a website and its development, digital marketing means you have to attract your online customer and make him attract to come on the website to see the products or services.
Hence it is very important to understand the potential market of the product and the audience for the product of service.
Optimizing website content and its navigation according to customer desire is a first thing to obtain for digital marketing, hence you have to be a sound knowledge of website development and its other aspects.
SEO is a major part of digital marketing, SEO means Search Engine Optimization.
Now What is Search Engine:
Search engines are the platforms where a user put their queries and get the answers like Google, bing, Yahoo etc.
So now it is very crutial to make the search engine aware of a website content like what is a website all about and what is its different pages created for.
Putting well described content on the search queries ( Keywords) is a part of SEO.
And optimizing a website according to search engines guidelines called SEO.
Types of SEO:
The SEO is basically contains two parts
- Onpage SEO
- Off page SEO
On page SEO stands for the optimization created on the website pages to get top ranking on search engines called On-page SEO
Off Page SEO stands for any activity performed on the internet to optimize a website ( except own website) called OFF page SEO.
The Next aspect of Digital Marketing is
SMO: Social Media Optiomization
As lots of customers spends their time on social media like Facebook , Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube, WhatsApp etc.
So optimizing a webpage on social media platforms called Social Media Optimization.
Social media has a big space in human life wherein this is very crutial to optimize the social media platforms to promote for a product and services.
The Next important aspect of Digital Marketing is SEM or Search Engine Marketing
Search engine marketing means going for a paid promotion on search engines or social media channels called search engine marketing.
Search Engine Marketing helps a business to get an instant boost on the product or service visibility on search engines and social media platforms.
Here a business can opt the paid promotion if it is required immidiate response towards a product or services.
It is very important to be updated in this digital world as everyday new updates are coming wherein it is very important for learner to be up to date for any change to happen and make changes according to digital marketing trend.
Here in this article I have tried to make you aware of Digital Marketing aspects in brief as its very hard for a beginer to absorb the things in right way.
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