What is It Like to Have a Liver Transplant?

What is a Liver Transplant

What Is a Liver Transplant?

When your liver fails to function correctly, you might have to undergo a liver transplant. Such transplants may cost a fortune but always help bring valuable results. Apart from this, they also help restore your good liver health and improve longevity. As such, it can come to your rescue and save your life on an urgent note. That is why your surgeon may recommend this transplant when in need. If you think you might require it, do not hesitate to connect with a potential surgeon today.

This article will help you unravel more about liver transplants and why you might need to rely on the best liver transplant hospital for the same.

What Is a Liver Transplant?

The liver is one of the most significant parts of our body. You will be shocked to know that it performs more than 500 functions in our bodies. Many atrocities can be brought upon your organs when your liver stops functioning properly. That is why liver replacement becomes essential.

Also known as a Hepatic transplant, a liver transplant is a surgical procedure of removing your liver and replacing it with a new one. This replaced liver can come from any healthy source, preferably a healthy liver donor. It may be irrespective of whether the donor is alive or deceased. As long as the liver is healthy, it works for you.

Liver Transplant Survival Stats

  • Recent sources suggest an 89% chance of survival after a year for people with a liver transplant.
  • There is a 75% chance of living after five years if you undergo a liver transplant.
  • Today, more than thousands of people suffer from liver problems all over the globe.
  • Nearly 8,000 liver transplants are conducted in the U.S. each year.

Why Is Liver Transplant A Necessity?

If you are in the last stage of liver disease, your doctor might recommend a transplant urgently. Generally, for mild liver problems, a transplant is hardly needed. That is why in such cases, your doctor is more likely to prescribe therapy or medications. They may also advise you to abstain from alcohol, stay more hydrated and avoid greasy foods as far as possible. However, if you think you are suffering from a liver problem, do not hesitate to contact the best liver transplant hospital at the earliest.


A liver transplant is a quick way to recover from your liver illness. Generally, after your transplant, you might have to stay over at the hospital for nearly three weeks or more. Your doctor may recommend this. You might have to do other things as per their recommendation. So, make sure you connect with them for the same in need. Hurry up. The best liver transplant hospital is waiting for you. Book yourself a place today and lead a life of joy and happiness with a liver transplant.

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Article Author Details

Dhawan Shikha