In this article, we will be discussing the international safety code for the year 2007 in order to understand the requirements of protection necessary to work in hazardous environments. Such work gears should be approved properly through some official code.
ISO 11611 is an international standard safety code that ensures the minimum safety requirements for protective clothing while working in hazardous environments. The PPE covered by it includes hoods, aprons sleeves, and gaiters designed in a manner to provide maximum protection against risks and unpredictable situations. I recommend reading here for iso 14001 certification.
While understanding the basic requirements of safety, this particular code earlier did not cater for hand protection. Majorly worked for head and feet especially while working during welding and allied processes. Lately, the improvisation took place and its catering hands also along with head and feet and other body areas.

Let’s see against what hazards this safety clothing provides protection:
- Small splashes from molten metal
- Split-second contact with flames
- The radiant heat generated from the arcs
- Electrical shock
- Unintentional contact with live electrical conductors while welding process
- Protection against soiling, sweat, and other impurities
ISO 11611 has been distributed into two classes when it comes to safety requirements. Class 1 and Class 2. Class 1 is considered to be at the lower level and the later one is considered to be at the higher one.
Class 1
Class 1 protection deals with the welding techniques on a hazardous note generating a minimum level of spatter and radiant heat.
Class 2
Whereas, Class 2 provides protection when the level of radiant heat and spatter is on a higher level over similar grounds.
For the purpose of better understanding, one needs to know what protective clothing is and where it is needed in the work industry.
What is Protective Garments / Clothing & Gear?
These garments are used by the workers working in oil, gas and chemical industries. Other areas covered are the fields of a fire brigade.

They are designed to provide protection to the workers during risky jobs and tasks in a particular industry. Moreover, such clothing also ensures safety against pollution and infections that can occur in any work area. This clothing line is very vast and is demanded and recommended not just in the oil and gas industry but also dental and medical field, microchip factory, also worn by sportsmen active in ice hockey, baseball, and rugby. In official terms, these protective clothing and gear are termed as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Besides the mentioned above, these garments and gears are also in use by security forces like police and army.
Hand Protection (Gloves)
Gloves are important while working especially in the oil and gas industry. They provide protection from contamination and infection, extreme temperatures and mechanical hazards.
Sound/Hearing Protection
In this, we can give you an example of earplugs. They defend from extreme noise mostly during welding and drilling during the job.
The Protection of Eye
For this, special sunglasses, goggles, and visors are handed over to keep the employee safe from flashes while welding and dust and other chemical liquids while drilling. Moreover, they also help in providing safety against severe heat under high temperatures while dealing with flames and fire.
The Protection of Respiratory System
These are usually in the form of masks such as filter masks, gas masks, self-contained breathing apparatus, and air purifiers. They are very essential in every kind of job-related to hazardous environments to maintain the breathing system of every individual.
Head Protection
Hard hats and helmets do the honor of providing safety and security while working over heights or if there is a chance that something from the upper stories might drop or hit one’s head. Hoods are also used in the line of work according to the job requirement.
Foot Protection
Clogs and steel toe boots are recommended under the same jobs and to provide the same level of protection to the feet especially while drilling undergrounds.
Furthermore, lifejackets when in contact with high-speed waters, spacesuit and aprons are also in the line of options in a similar field. Clothing and garments made up of special leather to avoid dangerous chemical reactions in the oil industry especially.
So, this was all about the clothing and gear related to the respected industries that have become essential these days for use.
If you want any product or equipment to work properly on a lifelong basis then you should take care of its maintenance and performance. And, this is the most critical part of the whole process because the safety of life and limb of the wearer depends on the proper functioning of the gear which is best ensured by proper maintenance of the FR garment, as per the instructions provided by the manufacturer.