Website layout design ideas – We come across breathtakingly beautiful websites, coupled with great layouts and designs every other day. From ecommerce ventures to entertainment portals, we all get mesmerized by them and think about such design incorporated in our websites as well. Some people even copy the exact design from a famous website and feel proud to have it. Of course, it is ethically wrong as we can admire a great design but cannot simply steal it.

Apart from design, a website’s layout can be really critical for its success. Following are 7 important aspects in this concern which can make a website look fascinating and immensely praiseworthy.
1. Think about your Goal
Planning is vital for any project, and creating a great layout is also one of them. First of all, think about your goal of what you want to achieve with a new or revamped layout. There is a difference when you are trying to create a new website or change a current one. Either way, design, and layout are always important. The options are virtually unlimited as what you can incorporate but start with the basics.
The layout of your website must be according to the industry you are in. You can’t opt for a fun theme for a financial institute or brokerage or a subdued theme for a children’s apparel store. Don’t try to save some bucks by opting for a freelancer or a new company charging far less than the seasoned one. Go for the top web design company with a good reputation so that you can be sure that your website is in good hands.
2. Starting with the Layout
If you think that you can just opt-in a great layout you like, you are wrong. That’s why you have selected a bunch of great designers, right? They are the ones who will figure out exactly what layout will suit you the best. Great layouts are not always about flashy designs and out-of-this-world graphics. It is more concerned with how your website, and most importantly, important pages like landing, home and order page are laid out.
3. Role of a Grid in the Layout
It may sound too technical for the starters; grid is important in the sense that it can be termed as the pillars on which a layout is based. Believe me, the overall design of your website won’t look good if a grid is not present. A grid helps in structure the layout perfectly and guide you through the specific screen size requirements. For responsive templates too, grids are what you need.
4. Selecting the Right Typography
With the help of designers, you are working with; you need to select the right typography and fonts for your website. Exploring various typefaces will tremendously help you in getting to your goal quickly. The more you explore, there will be increased chances that you will end up with just the perfect topography for your website.
For a professional look, the selection of fonts should be taken seriously. A brush script font or comic sans are definitely cool, but on many websites will bear an amateurish or childish look. Go for fonts like Times New Roman or Arial which are used on many shopping portals and e commerce-based websites.
5. A Nice Color Theme
The next logical step after typography is the color theme. Choosing a color for the background, fonts, buttons, etc. can give a website a great look. In fact, the chosen color and combination can give a real push to your website as colors can attract a visitor too. But don’t make your website a myriad of colors. Instead, focus on 2 or 3 colors and make full use of them.
What is really important at this point is the fact that you need to apply these colors consistently across the website. Think about the websites that you like the most like Facebook and Amazon. UI will be much enhanced as a result. If you like a particular site very much, you can ask your designer to have a look at it for reference but be original even in selecting colors to the core.
6. Simplifying the Process
A simple structure can make it easy for your visitors to browse through your website. Taking care of each section and making it perfect in terms of the final outcome must be your goal. There is no need to overdo a job here. This is because coming hard at one or all the sections in terms of simplifying the structure won’t offer you any good.
Highlighting the most important pieces in that story is what you need to offer to your audience. A visitor must automatically know which section to look at based on it is content laced with nice color and layout. You may think that more CTAs will do the job for you, but it is not always the case. If you want to make things happen for you, create a layout coupled with a design that will attract all the visitors to no end.
7. Challenge yourself with Paying Attention to Details
There are several aspects that you need to think of as really important because in the end it all comes down to what is the end product you are offering to your audience. If you think that innovation is something that you can easily offer to your customers, they may think otherwise. So, challenge yourself to offer something unique to them. People are really smart nowadays, and it is not easy to fool them, so you need to show your best game here.
Before unleashing your final product, the website, to a worldwide audience, you need to pay attention to the details. This may sound cliché, but this is where things can turn really ugly if you do not pay full attention here. And even if you have designed for the best, you need to be prepared for the worst. An unexpected broken link, a picture cropped too much, a database error, anything that can go wrong, it will. So, keep a close eye on everything related to UI, layout and other aspects for best results.
Final Word
In the start, you need to think about which company you need to hire after proper researching. Reputed companies like Dubai Monsters web design company can be the answer as they have a proven track record and experience in this field. Make certain that you use the layout to the optimum for best results.
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