Ways to Fall Asleep Quickly If You Have Anxiety
Ways to fall asleep quickly at night
If you have anxiety, you know how difficult it can be to fall asleep. The good news is that there are plenty of tips and tricks to use that can help you sleep better. Follow this guide how do you fall asleep quickly.
1. Avoid Caffeine
Although you may be craving a cup of coffee later in the afternoon to boost your energy levels, it’s best to stay away from caffeine after a certain time. Not only can caffeine aggravate anxiety, but it can also block melatonin production. Melatonin is an essential hormone that’s responsible for promoting restful sleep, so you can understand why preventing its production can keep you up all night. Drinking caffeine can stop your body from winding down and preparing for sleep. In fact, one study discovered that consuming caffeine six hours before bed lowered sleep time by one hour. Therefore, it’s best to avoid caffeine at least six hours before you plan on sleeping.
If you need an energy boost later in the day, there are plenty of vitamins and minerals that can do the trick without also increasing your anxiety. Some of the best supplements for naturally boosting energy include:
- Iron
- Vitamin D
- Magnesium
- Vitamin B12
- Ashwagandha
2. Invest In a High-Quality Mattress
You may not give much thought to your mattress, but it’s more important than you think. Research has shown that sleeping on a firm yet comfortable mattress can promote relaxation and quality sleep. On the other hand, sleeping on a bad mattress can make it more difficult to fall asleep and cause you to wake up multiple times in the middle of the night. Lack of sleep can have a detrimental effect on your mental health, which is why it’s important to invest in a high-quality mattress. Looking up, “Do you need a mattress topper?” can help you decide if this addition is right for your sleeping needs.
3. Create a Relaxing Environment
Creating an environment that’s ideal for sleeping includes turning down the lights, lowering the thermostat and taking part in calming activities like bathing. Experts agree that the optimal bedroom temperature is generally between 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit, with 65 degrees being the average. Because your body is programmed to slightly decrease its temperature in the evening, lowering your thermostat can aid this process and therefore signal to your body that you’re ready for bed.
Sleeping naked is another great way to fall asleep faster and improve sleep quality. Although it may sound strange, sleeping naked is similar to lowering the thermostat because it allows your body to cool down faster. There are also many calming scents and essential oils that can promote sleep, including:
- Jasmine
- Lavender
- Geranium
- Chamomile
- Bergamot
- Sweet marjoram
4. Meditate
Meditation is an age-old practice that has been shown to have a variety of benefits for physical and mental health. Not only can it improve your sleep quality by helping you relax, but it can also reduce stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that meditation decreases cortisol, a hormone that’s responsible for the body’s stress response. Other research has shown that individuals who regularly meditated experienced a decrease in the volume of their amygdala, which is an area of the brain that regulates anxiety. The good news is that there are plenty of apps and online guides to help you get started. There’s no right or wrong way to meditate, so do what feels best for you. Meditation also goes hand-in-hand with yoga so you can give both a try if you’d like.
5. Turn Off Your Phone
Although it can be tempting to see what your friends are up to on social media, spending too much time on electronic devices before bed can negatively affect your sleep quality and cause anxiety. Similar to caffeine, electronics emit blue light that blocks your body’s melatonin production and interferes with its ability to fall asleep. If you’re looking for some entertainment before bed, reach for a book or crossword puzzle.
If anxiety has been making it difficult for you to fall asleep at night, you’re not alone. Following these five tips can help you sleep in peace tonight.