Tungsten wedding bands are making waves in the world of fashion and jewelry by offering a viable alternative to traditional metals that can not only match but also outclass the appeal of conventional bands and rings. Primarily meant for men, these rings are trending for the last few years, and the trend is likely to continue as indicated by its rising popularity. The introduction of tungsten has given more options in styling to the urban male who wants to tread the uncharted path for creating a fashion statement of their own.

The goodness of tungsten
The pocket-friendly metal is ideal for creating very long-lasting rings and bands because of its extreme hardness, which makes it the toughest metal for jewelry making. Tungsten hardness is 10 times more than gold, and it is even harder than steel and titanium. Its hardness is only comparable to diamond. It means that a ring made of the same will neither scratch nor corrode nor tarnish and maintain its good looks for years.
Not pure tungsten
Although we call these tungsten bands or rings, these are not pure tungsten but an alloy of the metal that also contains carbon and nickel or cobalt. Correctly said, the metal is tungsten carbide. Pure tungsten lacks the properties that make good jewelry metal, but adding other metals to it imparts the required qualities and makes it suitable for making jewelry. Since tungsten is the primary metal when alloying, it makes enough sense to call these tungsten bands or rings.
Handle with care
The assured durability of tungsten often conceals another significant property of the metal that users must be aware of. By virtue of its hardness, tungsten can last year after year, but you must also protect it from a very hard impact or force because it can damage the ring. Although it may sound a bit confusing, the truth is that tungsten will not bend like a gold ring, but it can break. Thinking that tungsten is indestructible will be a mistake, and jewelers will usually not tell you about this drawback, but you must stay alert about it. Get in touch with Tungsten Rings for more information.
In this regard, tungsten is like a diamond which, despite being harder than tungsten, can crush or shatter under big force. Similarly, tungsten is prone to chipping and cracking if subjected to a strong external force.
Look for a lifetime warranty
The strength of tungsten works mostly in favor of choosing it for making rings, and bands and jewelers are ready to offer a lifetime warranty for tungsten bands and rings. The warranty is your biggest protection against the risks of breaking or crushing as you can get a replacement at no cost. It is a bit intriguing that despite knowing the frailty of tungsten bands and rings, reputed jewelers offer a lifetime warranty, but one good thing is that goes in favor of buyers.
High-quality tungsten bands and rings are hypoallergenic and suit all unless your skin is ultra-sensitive to allergies. Buying this ring is an assurance of lifetime accompaniment, which makes it an excellent choice for wedding rings.