Shayara Bano, a brave woman, chose to use her voice against the unfair practice of ‘talaq–e-bidat’ (triple talaq) and knocked the doors of the supreme court with a writ application when her husband divorced her over a speed post with the word ‘talaq’ thrice in it.

To the merit of her courage, that historical day marked a tremendous stir in the political situation of the country. ETV Bharat brought exclusive news updates to its readers and viewers all through the timeline.
Where almost every section of the society, along with Muslim liberals stood against the malpractice, at the same time organizations like All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) bashed the government for undue intervention in their religious systems.
On the 22nd of august, 2017 supreme court passed a great judgment by declared ‘triple talaq’ and the other practices of ‘nikah halala’ and polygamy to be unconstitutional. ETV News Headlines brought you exclusive details regarding the judgment and the proceedings.
An efficient bill was devised and presented in front of the legislature of the country. ETV Bharat News Headlines kept viewers abreast of all the significant updates.
But the biggest question which surrounds this entire fiasco is: Has the movement reduced to just another political propaganda or is it still holding its ground in the battle of women’s liberation?
Many debates have been held regarding the same at all the leading news outlets, including ETV Bharat.
Here’s my take on it.
When the scholars interpreted quranic texts, historical evidence, and legal precedents, ‘Triple talaq’ turned out to be a pro-matriarchy innovation and far from the quranic beliefs. There is no basis for the anti-secularist arguments of AIMPLB, and hence it is safe to say that women have been subjected to extreme injustice for generations now.
A strict bill against the malpractices benefits Muslim women. Here are a few key points which establish the same:
Riddance From Undue Exploitation And Black-mailing
Shayara Bano was subjected to the horrors of a lost home and household just because her husband was denied the demand for additional dowry. Many such horrific cases go unnoticed and unheard because women are scared to express themselves on account of divorce threats. The strict laws solve the problem here and make sure that women don’t have to go through barbarism.
Alimony For Livelihood And Child-care After Divorce
The malpractice of ‘Triple talaq’ isn’t just a threat to the fundamental human rights of women but also denied the basic rights of alimony and child-care expenses. The impulsive divorce would leave them in rags and miserable. Now, the bill has made it possible for women to avail of maintenance after divorce.
A Bolder Voice In The Domestic Set-ups
The bill has brought considerable power to women in Muslim households. Now, they get to have a space to express their opinions and live a free life without constantly fearing divorce. Now, that the practices of polygamy and ‘nikah halala’ have been abolished, women have their due respect in their marriages which is a massive sigh of relief.
But, at the same time, it wouldn’t be correct to claim that movement hasn’t fallen prey to any political vendetta. Time and again, political leaders have found ways to slip their attacks and opinions while advocating for, or against ‘Triple talaq.’ Such instances don’t just misrepresent the purpose of the movement, but also mislead the arguments.
To sum it up, I firmly believe that the underlying cause of the movement is a massive relief for Muslim women. The progress has been monumental and historical so far and a step in the right direction when it comes to the subject of women empowerment. But at the same time, you can’t ignore the political propaganda that is being woven around it.