There are a few essential tips and tricks that you need to master and follow while shooting videos with your drone. If you do your bit right while shooting, the post-production headaches are lesser. So, without further ado, let us have a look at some of the expert drone filming tips that are must-know for you.

Practice your flying
Yes, we are starting with the absolute basics. Practice your flying so that you are never disorientated about the direction and angles of the camera. You will need to maneuver your drone as and when you wish while shooting, so put in the effort and the hours. There is a beginner’s mode on various drone models, so try them out first before taking in the plunge. Start by limiting the speed and the radius to build up confidence. Keep in mind that you are looking to shoot usable footage, so you need less speed and smooth movements. So, do your test runs accordingly.
Plan the big shot
Every professional and expert camera guy plans a big shot to the last possible detail. You need to take a good look around to understand what will look good in the shot. You need to take into account the position of the sun along with the direction of the flight. This is why it is important to stake out a location before taking the shot.
Calibrating the gimbal
The gimbal makes sure of the horizon line. If your horizon line Is even slightly off the entire shot can be ruined. Be mindful of the fact that even if the shot is perfectly executed, a tilted horizon line can ruin the image and make the project look amateurish. All you need to do is calibrate the gimbal before every flight. This will make sure that you get a straight horizon line.
Shooting in 4K
Experts worldwide unanimously agree that shooting in 4K is better than 1080p. Yes, it is difficult to edit, but there are several tweak-able features, and the end product looks as polished as it can be. With 4K you can zoom in as much as you want without ruining the shot.
Practice flying slowly
This is an art when it comes to shooting drone footage. Flying slow is the trick to smooth movements and executing the perfect shots. Don’t fly your drone too fast, instead slow and steady movements will allow you to capture beautiful shots with a cinematic effect. Use high speed for more full shots, and when you are trying to focus on something far away.
Always shoot more than required
There is no alternative to the raw footage when it comes to getting you out of a tight corner. You will be editing the video, and there is no guarantee that every shot you have pulled will come out perfectly. This is why it is vital to have plenty of raw footage, more than what is required. According to experts, in the case of amateur photographers, only 5-10 minutes of actual footage can be developed from a raw file of 60 minutes.
These are some of tricks and tips that you can follow while shooting footage with your drone. All the best.