Top Tips For A Better Mobile Gaming Experience On Android

Google released its mobile operating system in 2007. It was at that time they decided to make the critical choice to make their platform completely open sourced. By doing this, they offered developers the ability to have the freedom and maneuverability they need to create different types of apps that leverage the entirety of Android’s ecosystem.

It was that freedom that allowed developers to create more feature-rich and capable apps and users to take advantage of them. This allows users to unlock even more performance out of their devices including unlocking graphics, improving battery life, and more. These features can be found in the Developer Options settings and they are readily hidden but easy to access for power, hungry users.

Those who are into mobile gaming, enjoy a game of Baccarat online or who simply want to get more out of their devices will be able to take advantage of tweaking these settings to get even better performance out of their devices.

Improving Gaming Performance With Android Developer Options

As soon as you activate Developer Options, you will be able to find a multitude of settings that can get you even better performance out of your device. For one, you can search for “Force 4x MSSA” and enable it. This will allow you to run apps at the highest possible graphical fidelity as games that are written in OpenGL 2.0 will be using it. Your Android phone will be forced to utilize this setting which can help you get the best possible gaming performance out of it. Keep in mind, forcing this setting will put a lot of stress on your battery which can cause your phone to die quicker. Therefore, you will likely want to disable it as soon as you are done with your mobile gaming sessions.

Turn Off Background Services

Ideally, you want to keep background services to a minimum. After all, these services including social media apps will drain your battery quickly. Therefore, you want to try to disable background services and apps that are constantly pinging including but not limited to Facebook, your email, and even messaging apps. While modern operating systems are meant to utilize less battery while using these apps, they will end up causing your battery to drain and they can hinder your gaming experience. You can either choose to disable background services entirely or select the different services to disable while gaming. Regardless, to do this, you will need to do to Developer Options and search for the running processes to find them.

Utilizing Boost Apps

You will find various apps in the Play Store or already on your phone that is designed to help you get the most out of your device. You can find these boost apps that are meant to make temporary changes to your device to help make it easier to get the most out of your gaming sessions. These apps include Game Booster 3, Swift Gamer, and more. If you have a device manufactured by Samsung, you can use the built-in and native Game Launcher that will do it all for you automatically. This can help you not only get the most out of your device for mobile gaming, but it can help you focus solely on your gaming while using your phone for playing games.

These boost apps can certainly help you improve your overall gaming experience. Likewise, knowing about hidden features found in the Developer Options can help to improve your experience. By learning more about Android, you should be able to unlock an even better gaming experience all-around.

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Article Author Details

Mila Jones

Mila Jones is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.