Documents don’t usually come in our preferred format, we download hundreds of documents every day and because of different views and different formats, it’s difficult to have a viewer for each and every available format, when you are stuck with a file that you don’t have viewer for, in the circumstances like these, you have to consult a file converter which unfortunately is not free, and is very expensive, who would want to spend money on converting files.

1) Online Convert:
Online Convert is best online converter to convert any format file you want online, but the problem is it is not free. It comes with a limitation of 100mbs; after that, you have to pay to use the software. You must get a premium account to support the conversion of audio,video, and document files above 100mbs, which is why it may not be the best option to opt for Online convert as a good quality online converter if you have large files to convert.
2) Online Convert Free:
Online convert free at Online Convert Free is the best file converter listed here in terms of a free online converter this is because it is free to use and supports the conversion of thousands of kinds of formats of audio, video or document file formats. It should be the priority if you wish to convert file formats online without any hassle. The website is easy to use so that anyone can use it without any hassle. It is the best file converter for the people who wish for permanent file converter to be used for free and without the downloading of any application because it is online.
3) Zamzar:
Zamzaris a known file converter which has been used for a long time by many people, it is a nice software with fast servers, but it comes with a catch, when using Zamzar you can upload a file of 50mb only, if your audio, video or document file is above 50mbs then you must pay for the services, this is a nuisance for people looking for a cheap online converter but because of their extremely fast servers and reliability in format exchanging many people still prefer Zamzar to do their format conversion.
File converters are very useful in our lives, they are being used by working-class people and students all over the world because of the presence of thousands of file formats in audio, video and text documents and a large number of file viewers. People are often confused which file converter is the best due to a large number of converters present on the market. Not to mention that many of the file converters are not free which is a problem for people looking to convert their files cheaply. The people who regularly are in need to interconvert file formats can purchase file converters, but occasional users like you and me do not require permanent applications for file conversions. Hopefully, this article will help you in determining the best online converter suited to your needs.