Ask An Expert: How to Scale Out the Top HR Software in India?

HR Software in India

we are in the middle of a big reset, a new way of thinking about work, business and leadership.” Josh Bersin

HR software in India or HR technology has gained immense popularity with time. Technology has been the base pillar for the evolution of the HR industry. It is mandatory for tech-savvy brains to keep innovating new technologies. With the facts pacing environment it is essential for the HR tech industry to grow as well. Technology has made it easier for the organization to continue working from home in such times of crises.

Gallup reported that the percentage of full-time employees working from home because of COVID-19 closures increased from 33 percent to 61 percent in just two weeks.“

Having said that, it is often witnessed that organizations have opted for a complete remote set up for work. HR software has made it possible for the organization to continue with the work from home setup. There are tools which are being introduced on a day to day basis which requires HR to be ready to embrace transformation. This is where challenges come in.

let’s list a few questions that an expert HR can help in painting a clear picture:

  • What should rank high on the priority list with the transition to remote work?
  •  How can HR run a people-centric process while functioning remotely?
  • What are the features that HR software provides that has turned out to be the most useful tool while functioning remotely?

These questions can have a grave impact on ,mending over a strategic plan on building a successful hybrid or remote mode of functioning. Let’s list on the how an expert would answer to the following questions :

What should rank high on the priority list with the transition to remote work?

Technology has always been a blessing in disguise. There are many organizations that have opted for applications to automate and are running in the cloud. The transition to remote mode of functioning has not been an easy one. To align the employees in accordance with each task assigned to them it would not have been possible  without HR software. 

In the time of crises it became easy with the assistance of HR software to mark the to do list of the organization. The application made it as easy as marking boxes on a checklist page. The employees functioning from various remote locations can communicate with each other on one secured platform.

How can HR run a people-centric process while functioning remotely?

The main aim for any HR tech industry is to create a people centric environment wherein the employee feels that they are valued. The HR tech industry comes in with various tools that empower the employees to achieve goals assigned to them. Tools that empower them to mark their own attendance. One of the major benefits that a people centric HR software offers is an automated proceeding of the onboarding procedure. Attendance management system is one of the imperative tools within the HR software. It empowers the employees to mark their attendance and apply for leaves in accordance with availability of the application.

Let’s list a few tools that paints a better picture in understanding the HR software:

  • For hiring or onboarding procedures, the talent acquisition team can organize a virtual tour of the office. These will impart the image of the working environment of the organization. An informal communicating session with the team members to comfort the newly joined employee to be a part of the organization. 
  • For onboarding  it empowers the employees to update the details or personal information to fulfill the requirement for background verification or bgv. The newly selected employees receive a code generated by the IT team to proceed and update the required information. These credentials provide them access to gain adequate knowledge on the policies that exist within the organization. It can be considered as an acknowledgment of the fact that the employee is aware of the policies that need to be followed within the organization. 

What are the features that HR software provides that has turned out to be the most useful tool while functioning remotely?

The blog already mentions a handful of tools that an HR software has to offer. However, there are many more tools that need to be highlighted in order to gain a better understanding of the application. One of the common features that can be marked is mobile accessibility. From one of the top HR software companies in India, the concept of having the app on an android and IOS device empowers the employees to function at any remote location even while traveling from one place to another. 

Let’s list a few additional benefits that an HR software provides keeping aside the tools :

  • One of the hurdles that has been resolved with the assistance of an HR software is E-signatures. It is during the onboarding process that an employee is in need to sign loads of paper that permits the team to scrutinize their background and ensure that the employee confirms that he/she will be joining the organization as an employee. 
  • The customary benefits provided by the HR tech team to the employer that restricts or even allows access to the data stored in the system. Data is considered as an imperative asset for any organization. Which is why it increases the need to secure a platform to store data. 
  • The performance manager tools allows the employer to monitor the overall performance of the team. It even provides the access to the employees to keep track of their own performance. 
  • Time tracking feature of the HR software makes it easier for the employees to ensure that the clock in/out  time. The payroll team can track the employees who have invested more hours and pay for their overtime charges.

“HR Predictions for 2021 gives HR professionals a foundation for planning and prioritizing in a year that will be characterized by continuing change and uncertainty.”

These statements highlight the uncertainty looping around the world of work. With new variants the work from home period kept on exceeding. This is when the tech-savvy brains keep on innovating tools that can help the organization elevate the quality of functioning. The changing environment has made the industry hope for betterment. The day to day innovations have increased the expectations of the people working in this industry. With introductions to features such as asset management and various other tools that suffice in accordance with the requirement of the employees.

This blog aims to resolve the unanswered question related to HR software, its advantages and management of human resources. Application such as HROne aims to offer one stop solution that can equippe all the categories of an HR software such as HRMS, HRIS. it works as a combined application to  serve all the requirements of the employee and the employer. Having said that, it is imperative for the employer to opt for human resource management software that is compatible with the working environment for better results.

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Article Author Details

Shailendra Kumar