In the past few years, mobile devices have transformed from being just a means for communication into a highly important business tool.

Whether you believe it or not, but mobile apps have become a necessity for businesses, be it for an already established business or a newly-launched startup.
According to Statista, the mobile app industry is expected to grow to over 180+ billion US dollars by 2020. This data has prompted businesses from all around the world to embrace mobile technology.
Now, if you’re serious about establishing a mobile presence for your business, first you should be aware of its benefits.
In this article, we’ve highlighted the top 8 benefits of mobile apps that businesses are enjoying worldwide. And if you’re a business owner, you just can’t afford to ignore these benefits, especially when people today spend a significant amount of their time on their smartphones.
Below are the top 8 benefits of developing a mobile app for your business.
1 – Mobile App Does, What Websites Can’t
Most businesses have a website but they often don’t see the point of building a mobile app. Though websites are perfect for creating business awareness, but they don’t have as much potential to make sales as mobile apps have today.
Research shows that mobile apps close more deals compared to desktop. Consumers also view 4.2x more products within mobile apps in one session compared to mobile websites.
Besides this, mobile apps also have many other benefits. For instance, mobile apps allow businesses to send push notifications to retain customers and keep them engaged with their brand. This is something that websites definitely cannot do.
2 – Mobile App Helps Differentiate Your Business
Let’s assume that mobile apps are not that common in your industry right now. But, if you think about it, this is actually a good thing for your business.
You see, the importance of having a mobile app cannot be emphasized enough. Mobile apps can be a great tool to help your business set apart from your competitors. In fact, the fewer number of your competitors have a mobile app, the easier it is for you to stand out in your niche.
In addition, mobile apps have also proved to enhance businesses in numerous ways. For starters, mobile apps can help you grab the attention of your potential customers and grow your market share. And by the time your competitors realize the essence of mobile apps, you would have (hopefully) already built a strong base of loyal customers.
This brings us to the next mobile app benefit.
3 – Mobile App Helps You Cultivate Customer Loyalty
Building customer loyalty, especially in the digital era, is essential and also tricky. But a mobile app can smoothen the journey by creating a strong connection with your customers through notifications and reminders.
These notifications basically remind your customers about your products and encourage them to make a purchase.
For example, when a user requires one of the products/services you’re selling, the chances of that customer buying from you rather than from your competitors’ increases due to the consistent reminders. And as a result, it helps you cultivate strong customer loyalty and brand recognition.
This, again, brings us to the next benefit of having a mobile app for your business.
4 – Mobile App Increases Brand Recognition
One of the notable benefits of having a mobile app is that it extends the reach of your business to a great extent. Instead of wasting thousands of dollars on expensive advertisements, a mobile app can serve similar marketing benefits to your business.
Since mobile apps are fully-customizable, it allows you to tweak features around your customers’ primary needs. This, in turn, helps your business create better brand recognition among existing as well as potential customers.
In short, a mobile app is a less costly and more effective tool when it comes to building brand recognition.
5 – Mobile App Provides a Direct Marketing Channel
The biggest benefit of a mobile app is that it provides a direct marketing channel for your business.
For instance, you can market your new products or discount offers directly through push notifications. This allows you to build a strong relationship with your customers by letting them first to know about new offers as well as products.
Compared with websites, mobile apps provide a faster alternative. Simply put, with websites, users need to open a web browser, enter your website URL, and login into their accounts before they can browse or purchase products from your business.
Mobile apps eliminate all these steps. Once users install your app, all they need to do is open the app to access all your products, increasing the chances of making more sales.
6 – Mobile App Helps to Provide More Value to Customers
Let’s see if I have this right. – Business is all about offering a product or service for which the right customers open their wallets to fulfill their needs, right?
Turns out, mobile apps are one of the best ways to create more of wallet-opening engagement among customers. Of course, you want to see that sales curve go up, but achieving that is nearly impossible unless you provide a real deal of value to your customers.
One way to accomplish this is by creating a customer loyalty program. The push notifications, which we discussed earlier, definitely contribute in increasing loyalty of customers towards your business.
But relying solely on push notifications can limit your customer loyalty growth. A Customer Loyalty program, on the other hand, can boost your customer loyalty ratio through the roof.
Simply put, a customer loyalty program would allow your customers to earn loyalty points each time they make a purchase from your mobile app, and later they can redeem those collected points in exchange for a discount, free shipping, or something similar.
As a result, you end up providing greater value than your competitors and they’ll be more enticed to turning to business for all their future purchases.
7 – Mobile App Boosts Sales
The more customers are satisfied with your brand, the more the sales will grow. In fact, research by SalesForce also proved that 70% of buying experiences largely depend on how satisfied customers are.
Now, since we already saw that a mobile app can greatly increase customer engagement and satisfaction, the demand for your product is only going to grow when you have a custom mobile app for your business.
So, what are waiting for?
What more do you want?
After reading these business benefits, we hope that you can now clearly see the need for a custom mobile app development for your business.