So many people like giving gift cards to their relatives and friends. Even in the corporate offices, they give out cards to their employees and consumers. This is the best thing which will give you relieve from choosing gifts and spending time on that.

In recent days gift cards are not just used to buy things from stores, you can use them for various things, like bill paying, donate them and re-gift the same too. If you have got some cards you need to know the ways you can use them, even the unwanted ones can come to a great benefit to you. Here, check the ways.
Pay the bills
You can use online gift cards to pay your bills. For this, you have to check with the retailer that you can use it for that purpose or not. If you have a got a debit card gift from your bank, then you can pay the bills of grocery, electric, and in so many places. You can also take out cash from the card and pay for things. You just have to check the terms and conditions with the cards.
Sell cards
If you have no time to shop with gift cards, or a bunch of them are simply sitting in your wallet, you can always sell them. The buyer will be various resale stores, even people you know. You only have to check the prices you will get from the selling.
Trade them with friends
If your friends have some good gift cards and have a couple of them then you can always trade them with him or her. If you create a circle where you can trade cards and tell them the actual balance you have in it. This will get your best perks if you buy gift cards online
and you won’t have to carry the unwanted cards with you too.
Track the balance
You can always track the balance left in the card after you have spent some of it. You can visit the retailer’s website for the check, or you can have this benefit in the stores too. There are apps too, for this balance checking.
Donate cards
You can donate cards for free, and it might not give you must benefits, but it will give you satisfaction. If you want to do some charity and you do not have much in your hand, you can donate gift cards to the charitable places. You can do that for non-profit needs.
Carry them
You can carry your gift cards in your mobile, and use them the moment you see the opportunity. This way, the cards will not go into waste and there will be no chances of losing any one of them. You just have to download an app for this task, and your task is done.
Re-gift the cards
If you have a good balance in the card, and the same is in good condition, you can always gift it to someone. If you have some unused gift cards, make use of them by gifting them to others, and it will save you a lot of money.
You can use your gift cards in so many places, like paying the bills, shopping, etc. You just have to remember the options.