Link building in a nutshell is the method of obtaining links or links to our domain from other domain. These links will not only bring quality traffic to our pages, but also increase our ranking in the SERPs.

The construction of a solid structure of links or links to our website is one of the techniques and strategies most used by professionals, since in this way they significantly optimize their websites achieving better search engine rankings, and thus increase the flow of traffic to your pages.
However, the process of building inbound links to your site can be a daunting and tedious task for a newcomer. The purpose of this article is to describe the importance of building a solid structure of links to your site, as well as offering a series of key strategies that any webmaster, regardless of the marketing budget, can use in order to improve their positioning in Search engines and generates as much traffic as possible.
1. Sponsored Links Purchases and Reviews
Paying owners of other web pages to place links to our site is probably the easiest and most direct way to start getting links for us; However, doing all this will mean that your company is more expensive, even without considering the thorough work of choosing who will be the candidates to buy. However, you must take into account certain aspects and factors before removing the money from your wallet; these factors are: here are the 4 Major Advantages of Guest Blogging ?
- The general ranking of the page.
- The age of the page.
- The saturation of the search engine (number of pages indexed in the most important search engines) in relation to the site.
2. Comments, Post on Blogs and Related Forums
Anyone with limited experience can find a large list of blogs and forums related to their niche. The first thing you have to do is register in those forums related to your niche, leave comments relevant to the topic and finally leave your name and the link to your website in the signature. In the same way you should work with the blog.
It is very important that you be clear that by simply trying to leave or create a link to your website leaving unprofessional or irrelevant comments, all you will do is that your comments are never approved in blogs, and that the administrators of the forums end up removing it from it.
It is not advisable to place within your comments phrases that invite the reader to visit your website, for example, place the phrase “Visit my website”, “now go to my page”, etc. Only at the end of your comment on the part of the signature place a link to your website.
3. Write User Testimonials and Product Reviews
Writing product reviews or comments, as well as testimonials, is a popular technique for generating a number of links to your page; and even more so when doing so on products with which you have had proven success, in this way the site administrator will include a link to your site in the signature of the testimony or review.
This technique is simple and simple, if you have purchased a product or service, write a brief review of the product that has an extension between 100-300 words, in this review place the strengths and positive experiences you have had with the product, and at the end inside your signature place your full name and the address of your website.
Nine out of ten webmasters to whom you have sent reviews or comments about your product, will be very happy and will include your testimony or review within your website, or in the publication of your newsletter or electronic magazine including the link to your site.
4. Develop a Free Online Service or Application Software
Most people do not consider the importance of developing online public service applications to deliver or give away for free. However, the benefits of creating and distributing a free online tool or software application can create several hundred links to your site quickly.
An example of this can be the creation of an application that helps you determine the appropriate keyword density within your articles, for this, deliver the application in Javascript and offer the code to be integrated into other web pages, including a link to your website, or within the coding request the link to your site to run the application.
5. Write Articles and Distribute Online
Assuming that this is not the first article you have read in terms of improving the amount of links to your website, you should be well aware that writing articles, As well as sending these to the most popular article directories, it is a fantastic way to generate many links to your page with the content marketing.
The premise is simple but effective; Write a handful of articles oriented towards the topic or market niche, and distribute them in the many article directories on the Internet. When you find these articles in these directories, you can see in the resource box that is in the final part of the article, the author’s name, as well as a link to your website.
Each time your article is picked up by the webmaster or syndicated through other more popular websites, they will receive a free link back to your site. Repeat these steps over and over again to build several thousand links to your page. This is an amazing technique, and your only investment is a little time to write and submit articles.
6. Submit Your Site to the Directories
Although it is true that the entry of websites to different directories has been losing strength in relation to the links that are generated, there are still a group of directories of high quality in which it is worthwhile Link our website.
One of the most notable directories where you should submit your website is DMOZ, Yahoo directory. When submitting your site to this directory, you should pay special attention to the category to which you are sending your web address, be sure to present your site with a relevant topic, and in relation to your niche market.
7. Exchanging Links and Creating Associations
Exchanging links or commercial links with other website owners is another technique that has lost some taste over the years, however, this method of generating links to our page still have some value and should not be overlooked.
Many webmasters dedicate a page from their site solely to link to other web pages that have accepted the link to their site. As mentioned earlier as this technique is not as effective as it was before, it is important to know how to choose and select the websites that are more reliable and qualified by search engines, and also that are related to the theme of our site.
Once you have found a website with which you would be interested in exchanging links, contact the site administrator via email offering your offer. When you write this email, refer to specific aspects of the webmaster’s page, in this way he will be able to see that you have been given the job of thoroughly reviewing the site, and your chances of finding a link partner are quite high.
In this article we have discussed seven most effective methods that are used to generate quality inbound links to your website. With a bit of luck, after reading this article you should have a handful of ideas and techniques in your toolbox that can help you start building links for the success of your page.
Creating links to your website is not a one-time job, if you really want to have good results, this should be a constant job. The amount of inbound links to your site will never be enough, as soon as you begin to feel success, you will want more.