Plenty of people want to know how to write an online dating profile that gets results. This is your very first contact with interested singles and it really important to tell them what you are about without scaring them off or boring them to death.

When you are using any of online dating sites. Writing an effective online dating profile is important to attract like-minded people to you.
With a few key tips, you can write a great and interesting online dating profile, if you can successfully do that and you will be well on the way to attracting the kind of people that you will actually want to meet.
There are a few things you can do to improve your chances of attracting the right people to your profile, first of all you will need to stand out from the crowd.
1 . Write A Catchy Heading or Title
“Looking for love,” says desperate and needy. Your online dating profile opening heading needs to take hold of someone’s attention for at least three to four seconds, if not you have lost them and they will move on to someone who can hold their attention better. You want to say something about you that intrigues them, they can’t help but want to get to know more about you. The best way to achieve this is to create a great opening headline.
2 . Be Unique – Not Typical.
We have all seen the profiles that look, well, blah. You can see similar profiles like, “I am a simple fun-loving person who loves outing with friends, movies and swimming. I like walks on the peaceful beaches, good conversation, and dining out. I’m looking for a person who is fun and can make me laugh.” Honestly – you and four billion other people! Blah, Blah, Blah. Make your profile read more like a story about you.
By being more descriptive and unique you can draw the reader in. Instead of “I like movies,” say this “My favorite movie is _because _” or use a movie character to describe you. “I think I’m a lot like _ in __ because _.”
Use clever words that are descriptive. While writing out your profile instead of saying “On hot sunny days I like to go to tropical forests or to the ocean or on mountain hikes,” say, “On a sizzling summers day my adventurous side leads me to the shores of a beautiful beach or discovering a new waterfall or forests where I can cool off.”
For exampleYou can also write, “I’m a much similar like the movie character ‘Sindbad’ because I love exploring the and adventuring the new places, while challenging my mind to appreciate new things”Instead of “I like to travel and explore new things,”
3 . Tell the Truth
The first thing you should write about yourself in your online dating profile is the truth. In the data sections where it asks about age, interests and hobbies it is far better, to be honest. Being creative with the truth may backfire and put you in trouble in the end. Covering up the truth eventually creates confusion and as your potential partner gets to know you better there will be tension and questions over the little white lies that seemed harmless at the time. It happens when WeLoveDates desperately but don’t to forget the consequences which might come later.
4 . Don’t Come Across As Desperate
This was copied from an online dating profile – imagine reading this, “Not fussy about people, will do anything for a date.” Two words, BIG FAIL!! I don’t think their inbox was full of genuinely interested people who couldn’t wait to meet them, what do you think? Talk about alarm bells.
People who are good at building their profile are not on the online dating sites for very long, because they attract the right singles and are not single for long. One thing is for certain, if you sound desperate on your profile if you are lucky enough to set up a few dates, they people dating you will not be looking for a long-term relationship. It’s more likely they will be trying to take advantage of the damaged soul who would actually write something like that. It’s simple, the more desperate you appear, the less quality singles you will attract. The trick to online dating is to be confident – but not self-obsessed, content – but not over the top happy and carefree – but not simple.
5 . Use The Best Current Photo Of Yourself
Your online dating profile picture is your most important online marketing tool. A picture does say a thousand words. Make sure you put your best face forward, literally.
There are two schools of thought on this. One is to go to a professional and get a studio shot done and the other is just to get a friend to take a more natural photo of you. Online dating sites have thousands of professional studios, air brushed head shots, but to me these people have something to hide.
Let’s be honest, how much does that studio shot actually look like you? A natural photo walking on the beach or in a back yard enjoying the company of friends is much more appealing. Make sure that the photo is of only you, I have seen some horror shots where a man has his arm around a woman (possibly and ex) and her face has been fuzzed or blacked out.
Make an effort, dress nicely and most importantly, try to look relaxed. Get a friend to come over and crack jokes while taking some photos, laughing and being in a good mood always produces a great natural photo. Go for a full body shot or at least from waist up. This shows interested singles that you are confident and have nothing to hide.
6 . Avoid Being Negative
You might be tempted to write “Please don’t contact me if you were born before 1970 or live with your parents” in an attempt to reduce the number of unsavory characters responding to you. This type of message can backfire because most people will think you have issues or are super fussy or even high-maintenance. Even people in the right age group who living independently will hold back because they will be thinking that you are likely to find something to hate about them.
7 . Highlight Your Interests
Make a point of highlighting your favorite sports, hobbies and interests helps to create a clear mental picture of yourself for your potential partner. It also has the added bonus of attracting people with similar interests. It is really important to be really honest here, there is no point dating a fitness fanatic if your favorite pass time is cuddling up under a blanket at home and watching a movie. This might seem to be obvious but too many people get this get this simple step wrong.
8 . Spell Check Before You Post
Another obvious but important tip is to spell check your profile before you post it. An Online Dating Profile that is poorly presented, with spelling or grammatical errors will reduce the overall quality of your dating profile. Many people may judge that you either are not educated or that you haven’t even bothered to run a simple spell check.
We are sure that these tips will help you when thinking about How To Write An Online Dating Profile.