The Health Benefits of Essential Oils

Benefits of Essential Oils – Did you know that your sense of smell is tied closely to your emotions and memories? That Is because when you smell something, it moves through the olfactory bulb, which is located from your nose to the base of your brain, connecting your amygdala and hippocampus. These parts of the brain are responsible for your feelings and memories, which is why scent is considered to be so powerful.

Health benefits of essential oils


You may be interested in essential oils, such as the ones offered by D Gary Young. These can be used to create scent memories and provide and provide many other health benefits. Keep reading to learn more.

Stress Reduction

Some essential oils are used for aromatherapy, which can help manage cases of anxiety and stress. For example, it has been discovered that orange oil offers anxiety-reducing benefits to men. While more research is needed to prove this statement, the results thus far are promising.

Mood-Boosting Benefits

As mentioned above, scents are considered powerful stimuli. They will enter your brain and trigger an emotional response. When you inhale essential oils, your brain signals specific emotions, which can leave you feeling hopeful, optimistic, and energized. You can add the oils to a hot bath or your oil diffuser to create a positive atmosphere in your entire home, as well.

Fungal Infections

Tea tree oil has benefits against fungal infections, such as candida, along with oral thrush and athlete’s food. In fact, this is probably one of the essential oils that you have heard the most about due to its anti-bacterial benefits.

Congestion and Colds

One of the active ingredients in vapor rubs is eucalyptus oil. It helps to ease cold symptoms, which includes congestion. It is also common to add a few drops of this to boiling water and inhale the steam. The effectiveness is thanks to the cineole, which is something found in eucalyptus. It is a gentle expectorant and works to reduce muscle spasms, which can narrow your airways.

Sleep and Relaxation

Aromatherapy is beneficial when treating psychological conditions, such as anxiety, depression, and stress. When you use essential oils, they can stimulate positive signals in your brain. This can help to reduce the negative emotional conditions you may be facing. You can use the oils in a bath or diffuser, or you can apply them topically to trigger points on your body.

Sinus Infections

This is another situation where eucalyptus shines. The cineole capsules help to relieve sinusitis symptoms. However, another essential oil you may want to try is peppermint oil. Inhaling peppermint oil offers a cooling effect and can help to figure the bacteria that cause sinus congestion. Some of the other oils that may be beneficial include clary sage, lavender oil, oregano oil, and tea tree oils.

Safer Alternative to Incense and Candles 

Essential oils can be used for aromatherapy, which effectively ensures your home smells good. Incense and candles both put your home at risk of fire. They can be especially dangerous if you have small children or pets in your house.

However, when you use an oil diffuser, you can significantly change the smell of your house without putting yourself or your belongings at risk. Oil diffusers are small devices you can put on any surface in your home. It is essentially a mini humidifier that will fill the room with sonically induced water vapor or steam.

To use diffusers, you just need to fill up the tank with water and then add around 10 to 15 drops of your preferred essential oil blend. As the water vapor starts to diffuse, the fragrances will spread throughout your home and give you the benefits of aromatherapy while you complete day-to-day tasks.

As you can see, essential oils offer more than a few health benefits. Be sure to keep the information here in mind, which will help you see what these offer and how they can benefit your home and life. Being informed is the best way to know why using essential oils is a good idea and why you should consider doing it in your home.

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Article Author Details

Kevin Gardner

Kevin Gardner loves writing about technology and the impact it has on our lives, especially within businesses.