Take one good look with the way your eyebrow looks in the mirror. Are you happy with what you see? It is a given that eyebrows are one of the most prominent and important features that defines your face.
Their unique charm happens to be a crucial element when it comes to defining beauty. An eyebrow that is of beautiful shape, completely full, and comprises of finer growth will add to your personality even more. You can also visit ilashas for Eye fashion.
However, if you aren’t gifted with the kind of eyebrows you want for yourself then there is always a list of natural ingredients that can help you out.
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Best natural remedies for eyebrow growth
Check out these options that are available for promoting better eyebrow growth.
It is a well-known fact that milk comprises of healthy proteins and nutrients. You can handle your eyebrow growth issue with this natural remedy. All you have to do is dip a cotton ball in cold milk and squeeze out the excessive liquid out. Gently rub it on your brows before you tuck in for the night.
The components present in milk will do wonders and nurture your hair from the roots. When you religiously follow this remedy, it is bound to show significant results.

Everyone is aware that fenugreek accelerates hair growth. The incredible benefits that fenugreek possesses for your hair and body is simply mesmerizing. Rich in protein fenugreek comprises of nicotinic acid that will stimulate hair growth and handle every issue that is related to hair damage. Another important compound present in Fenugreek is called as lecithin. It will promote faster hair growth.
To use fenugreek, you have to soak them overnight in water. Make a smooth paste of this the following morning. Apply it half an hour before you hop in the shower.
In case you want to boost the goodness of fenugreek then add almond oil (a few drops) to the paste. Your skin will be nourished too when you do this. Make sure the paste completely dries off before you wash it.
Onion juice

If you want eyebrows that are thick and magnificent to look at then this is one of the best natural remedies that you can opt for. Onions are perfect for hair growth. Rich in sulfur they are essential for proper growth of hair. It will also nourish the eyebrows and protect it from losing hair.
Peel one onion and chop it into small pieces. Squeeze out the juice and massage your eyebrows with it. Wait for 15 – 20 minutes before you wash it off. Do this at least four times a week.
Aloe Vera Juice

Scoop out the pulp from an aloe Vera leaf. Massage the pulp on your eyebrows and wait for half an hour before you wash it. It will reverse all the damage that your eyebrows have faced and help in regrowth.
These are some of the best and proven natural remedies for you to try at home. Some women also use eyelash serum called careprost for the instant growth of eyelashes and eyebrows.