A website is as important as a crown jewel in the marketing strategy of a company. It offers multifarious benefits besides a substantial impact on the customers by having an online appearance.
The year 2019 has already been passed, and still, people are looking for trends and techniques to be used to design a professional website.
It is owing to the reason that the previous year was full of rapid changes in the trends of website design and development. The rise of responsiveness has transformed conventional techniques and statics content to micro-interactions and animations.

So, the New Year is coming with innovative techniques and trends in design. Website design experts encompasses various disciplines and unique skills required for the production, management, and maintenance of websites.
It is surprising to know that event the approaches which tend to reject the new trends have become trendy in the mainstream of website building and management.
Do’s of Web Design – things you must consider in website designing
It is the top priority of web designers to make their website experience more enjoyable and more interactive.
However, it can be a hard nut to crack for anybody who has just started designing a website. So, here are some must do the thing for those who don’t know, and those are interested in learning:
Consistency in interface is a must
It is imperative to observe a consistent design while making a website as a whole. The simplicity of design with the adequate spice of engaging corners can help you to meet the objective.
So, always keep in mind that the overall outlook of your website should be sophisticated and synchronized with all web pages.
Magnificent chemistry in the design should be made evident from web colors, page styles, typography, and other related things.
Practical tip: Make your website practical first, and it will lead you towards consistency.
Easy navigation for handy usability
It is important to understand that navigation plays an important role in keeping visitors engaged. Therefore, they should be provided with easy to use website styles.
Further, navigation is the main technique used for interaction over the Internet. So, make the top-level navigation a must requirement for all and sundry.
However, setting a limit of top-level navigation to 6 or 7 links is good to give the freedom and ease to the visitors.
Practical tips: Experts from website design company Dubai suggest using understandable and comprehensive labels for navigation. Try to reduce the amount of time for navigation of the desired web pages.
Make easy scanning of website pages
Not every visitor reads the whole pages. Usually, people do a quick skim of the web content to comprehend the meaning and purpose.
If a user finds the data helpful and understandable, they spend more time getting more information from your website. So, it is imperative to keep the content simple, easy, and comprehensive to provide the intended meaning and purpose.
Practical tips: Divide your text content into chunks and add kind of tools for information representation, including videos, animations, etc.
Don’ts of Web Design – Things you should avoid in website designing
Too much time consumed in content loading
It is highly detrimental to user engagement on your website. People have become very impatient as the technology is developing. Presently, more than 47 percent of people want to get their desired page loaded in less than 2 seconds.
If the load time of the page content is more than two seconds, it increases the bounce rate. So, be alert and avoid this thing as much as possible.
Practical tips: You can avoid the bounce rate by displaying some loading indicators to keep people interested in the content. Displaying a blank page can create a dull impression.
Too many types of typography
It is important to note that various styles of font typing can irritate the part of visitors. Therefore, avoid using too many typefaces on your webpages. It is best to use only one or two font types to give an interesting effect.
It has been noticed that people usually get annoyed while reading a content page in many font variations. Truly speaking, it is not a professional way, and it can make people confused, compelling them to leave reading as soon as possible.
Practical tips: It is better to use Google fonts in three main variations by dividing them into heading, subheadings, and texts.
Website designing is an exciting task. However, it does not only require the individuals to know programming but must have a proper understanding of visitor’s behavior.
Therefore, a professional understanding of every aspect of designing and development of a website can help you to ease users’ experience.
Professional web design service providers can help you to get an aesthetically sound and experience-driven layout and feel of your website.
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