Super Seeds: The Key to Good Health

If you’re into fitness and well-being, then you must come across the term “superfoods.” It’s featured in every piece that’s related to healthcare and nutrition. What does it mean? Superfoods are those extraordinary foods that are a powerhouse of nutrients. They are like superheroes for your health; they fight bad health conditions and promote a happy and nutrient-rich lifestyle. Seeds are among the many superfoods. They have become so popular that they’re available everywhere, whether at your local market or a reliable online health food store. Here’s everything that you can buy. 

Benefits of Sesame Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

These tiny green seeds are packed with antioxidants and enriching nutrients. They have a high percentage of magnesium and zinc. They are a good source of fibre and healthy fatty acids, all of which are very beneficial for the heart. Moreover, the magnesium in the seeds helps reduce the risk of heart disease and blood pressure. They are easy to consume, too; add them to your smoothies, oatmeal, and baked goods, or have them slightly roasted. They’re not only healthy but also super delicious. 

Chia Seeds

Don’t let the size of these seeds fool you. Chia seeds are among the healthiest superfoods, full of healthy fats, calcium, magnesium, and other essential minerals. They are fibre-rich, too; if you consume chia seeds, you’ll notice that they keep you satiated longer. That’s because fibre takes longer to digest, so you don’t feel hungry too often. They are considered a staple in many weight-loss diets. 

One of the finest ways to consume it is by adding it to your smoothie or making a decadent chia seed pudding. It’s a popular breakfast item masquerading as a dessert. Have it once, and you won’t return to your regular breakfast meals! 

Sunflower Seeds 

Sunflower seeds have an abundance of vitamin E and are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Studies show that sunflower seeds are good for people with type-2 diabetes. They contain magnesium and linoleic fatty acids that reduce the risk of blood pressure. 

Don’t want to eat seeds on their own? You can buy sunflower seed butter from an online health food store and spread it on your morning toast. 

Flax Seeds 

Flax seeds are some of the most nutrient-dense foods. They contain adequate protein, omega-3 fatty acids, thiamine, and copper, among other nutrients. They are also among the most versatile seeds, as they are used to make wraps, bread, baked goods, and more. Here’s a fun fact: flax seeds act as a vegan/vegetarian alternative to eggs during baking. 

Hemp Seeds

If you want a protein-rich option, then you must try hemp seeds. They are an excellent plant-based protein, contain necessary minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, and zinc, and are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. You can eat them raw or slightly roast them with oil and salt. 

Final Thoughts

Eating a healthy diet is key to living a happy life. It makes you feel good inside, and the effect also reflects on your face and body. Seeds are some of the best sources of nutrition, but they often come with the false notion that they can be fattening. It’s time to debunk this misconception. Consume 25-30 grams of nuts and seeds, and make it a habit. If you consume them raw, it is best to soak them in water overnight and have them in the morning. 

So, maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and lead a fulfilling and enriching life! 


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Article Author Details

Mila Jones

Mila Jones is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.