The most common origin of stomach cancer happens to be the gastric mucosa layer, which is formed by the foveolar cells. These cells lining the inner gastric mucosa which prevents the walls of the stomach from getting corroded. Corrosion mainly occurs from the secretion of HCL or gastric acid, which is secreted by the parietal cells of the stomach. Cancer originating in these cells is known as adenocarcinoma. Apart from this, cancer may also occur in the gastroesophageal junction (the are of conjunction between the terminal end of the esophagus and the beginning (or the cardiac region) of the stomach).

Stomach cancer is ranked 5th among the types of cancers occurring most frequently. As per the statistical records submitted in the year 2012, approximately 952000 individuals were diagnosed with stomach cancer at various stages of the disease. The number of individuals affected had crossed 1 million in the year 2018. This particular type of cancer more commonly affects men than it does among women. If diagnosed in the initial stages, it can be cured completely by conventional methods. A worldwide survey performed in various developing countries shows an estimate of stomach cancer treatment cost to begin from $10,000, which might be increased manifold in major countries.
What is Stomach Cancer?
Though ranked 5th in terms of occurrence, this particular type of cancer is ranked 2nd among malignancies that are responsible for death on a global scale. Stomach or gastric cancers may occur from gastric lesions, ulcers or various other metabolic changes as well as environmental factors. In many cases, stomach cancer may also get triggered due to genetic mutations that cause anomalous behavior of the cells thereby forming malignant mass or cancer.
Apart from that, one of the most common causative agents is infection from a gastric pathogen which happens to infect duodenum and stomach of almost 50% of the global population. The pathogen, Helicobacter pylori, is responsible for causing chronic inflammation. Post-infection, the chances of stomach ulcers often increase manifold. Unattended infection or ulcer for a prolonged period of time may eventually result in stomach cancers.
Apart from that, stomach cancer may also result from genetic mutations in the body triggered by metabolic or environmental factors. This particularly rare form of stomach cancer is known as Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer and is directly correlated with sudden mutational changes occurring in the CDH1 gene, which is responsible for encoding the Cadherin-1 protein. Men with marked mutational changes of this particular gene pose a 67-70% higher risk of stomach cancer, which among women above 80 years of age is flanked by 53-80%. Mutations in CDH1 are also responsible for the enhanced risk of breast cancer among women.
Symptoms which should concern you
The symptoms of stomach cancer often go unnoticed in the initial stages of occurrence. However, certain changes particularly non-specific in nature may give signs of gastric anomaly like the formation of lesions or ulcers. The symptoms are:
- Indigestion
- Nausea and frequent vomiting
- Pain in the abdominal area
- Loss of appetite
- Sudden loss in weight
- Presence of blood in the stool, or even in vomits
- Fatigue
Apart from these, certain symptoms only surface when cancer has escalated to advanced stages. In this case, the symptoms may be serious. This can also indicate the spreading of cancer to:
- Colon: Uncontrolled and frequent vomiting, extreme loss in weight and appetite are the symptoms in this case.
- Liver: In case cancer has spread to the liver, jaundice of ascites (accumulation of fluids causing liver enlargement) are the common symptoms.
Treatments Available for Stomach Cancer
Stomach cancer treatment cost varies to a great extent. This is because the type and extent of treatment differ from person to person. The available treatment options are:
- Chemotherapy: One of the primary treatments for stomach cancer, chemotherapy uses specific drugs whether in the form of pills or injections which destroy the malignant cells. The drugs are non-specific and thus, destroy healthy cells along with.
- Radiation Therapy: High energy radiation beams are focused on the target area of malignancy, which recently destroys the mass or cancer cells. The procedure may or may not be accompanied by chemotherapy.
- Surgery: Surgical procedure comprises of two distinct procedures, which are:
- Gastrectomy: Partial as well as complete removal of the stomach, along with affected lymph nodes in proximity. The procedure depends on the extent of damage and area where cancer has spread to. In the case of complete removal, an artificial connection is established between the terminal end of the esophagus and the jejunum of the intestine.
- Gastroenterostomy: Surgical procedure for establishing an artificial connection between a minute opening in the stomach and the small intestine.