Skills for Job Seekers
Searching for a job is no small feat. You have to review relevant job listings, write a standout resume and nail the interview. Not to mention that you are also competing against numerous other applicants. If you want to find your dream job, you will need to put your best foot forward when applying. This means having and communicating the right skills for the job. If you want to nail that perfect job, these six skills rank high for all employers out there.
Technology Knowhow
In the modern workplace, comfort with technology is a must-have skill. Even if you are not a programmer, IT professional, developer or another type of technologist, you likely need to have digital skills to be effective at your job. This includes using a computer, communicating through email, having video calls and more. Don’t forget to include some of the most relevant tech skills in your application materials and highlight clear examples.
Nearly all businesses rely on significant teamwork and collaboration to thrive. To be your best in these settings, you need to be ready to take initiative and lead others. Even if your job does not directly involve management or leadership, it is valuable to have the ability to lead. Consider highlighting some leadership experience on your resume and offer clear examples, ideally with numbers to reflect your contribution. These credentials can help you to stand out.
Teams need to work together to achieve their goals in the professional world. Having strong written and oral communication skills can be valuable in almost any position. Even jobs that don’t involve a lot of face-to-face interaction usually involve some writing. For example, field inspectors may spend most of their days alone, but they need to be able to complete details and useful reports. Demonstrating your communication skills to potential employers starts with your resume and cover letter. Invest the time to make them as clear, concise and compelling as possible.
Active Listening
Teamwork isn’t just about being able to communicate ideas to others. You also need to identify and develop strong active listening skills. You can demonstrate this to potential employers most effectively during your interview process. Try to make sure you are listening attentively and wait until your interviewer has fully completed their thought, rather than simply waiting to respond or jumping in too quickly. Not only will this help you stand out in an interview, but it will also help you excel in any role that you take on.
No matter what work you do, you will be more effective if you can stay organized. Keeping your work organized can help you to be efficient and boost your productivity. This isn’t just about your physical space, but also how you approach tasks. Being able to keep your digital work and even your thoughts well-organized can have a big impact on your work. Presenting an organized resume and being thoroughly prepared for interviews can help you to demonstrate this skill.
Most jobs involve some level of problem-solving. Engineering, management, programming, product development and similar roles are centered on solving problems; however, even jobs that are less problem-focused can benefit from a candidate who can overcome obstacles when they arise. For example, being able to take the initiative and solve the issue when something goes wrong is valuable. Don’t forget to highlight some examples of how you solved problems in your previous roles.
With these six skills, you will have an easier time finding your ideal job. Chances are you already possess some of these and can incorporate them into your application; however, you just need to make sure you showcase them in a showstopper of a resume.