Simple Tips to Pay Closer Attention to Details At Work
No matter what line of work you are in, paying close attention to details is important to nearly every job. Doing so avoids errors that might impact your position or how others view the company. To sharpen your focus on details, integrate these five tips into your work routines.
1. Remove Distractions
Perhaps you have a job that already removes almost all distractions, such as court reporters Sacramento. Maybe your position allows you to work from home, so there are numerous distractions vying for your attention. Either way, take time at the beginning of every shift to purposefully look for and remove any items that might disturb you during work.
If you work in an office, retail shop or something similar, the distractions are more limited but definitely still present. A primary distraction for most employees is a cell phone. Instead of getting jobs done, it is easy to waste precious minutes or even hours playing games, texting or scrolling through social media. Limit these interruptions by turning your phone off or on silent, with the vibrate off. Maybe you have a friend or two at work who you love chatting with. If you stop by his or her desk, you know you will spend at least 15 minutes talking. Avoid walking by this friend until you have a break.
2. Take and Review Notes
A great way to help you remember more details is by writing them down. When listening to a presentation or sitting in a meeting, lots of information is thrown your way; it can be difficult to remember everything after the meeting or presentation is over. Taking notes allows you to go back and review data, ensuring you memorize the key facts.
Additionally, you might have questions during the event that you do not get a chance to ask. Write down questions as well. Bring questions to your leader afterward to get clarity on new products or processes. If you are a visual person, screenshots can also be incredibly helpful for remembering information. If you are watching a presentation on your laptop, take screenshots of the data, or ask the presenter to email the deck to the group.
3. Try Memory Games and Puzzles
Memory games and puzzles are a fantastic way to challenge and stimulate your brain, which improves your focus at work. Now, that does not mean you should justify blowing off work to play games. Instead, play them after work or during your breaks. There are numerous free online games or free apps that you can download to your phone.
4. Create a Schedule
Oftentimes, it is easy to become focused on the task at hand and overlook the fact that you have other obligations to tend to. Creating a schedule helps you stay on task, ensuring each item on your to-do list gets completed. If you love good, old-fashioned paper and pen, purchase a planner, and clearly note when and what you will do throughout the day. To prevent going off schedule, set a timer on your phone so you know when to move on to the next task. If you prefer technology, create a schedule via an online calendar or the calendar on your phone. Set a reminder to go off when it is time to change jobs. Be sure to leave some free time on your calendar for unexpected meetings or last-minute duties.
5. Proofread Assignments and Emails
Since you are now working on managing your time better with a calendar, this gives you an opportunity to proofread your work. Before hitting “send” for an email, reread it to make sure it is grammatically correct, the tone is professional and the details are accurate. Do the same before a presentation. Review your notes and presentation documents. The last thing you want is to present a document with incorrect facts or simple spelling errors.
Taking the time to review details during the first go-around not only makes you a more efficient employee but saves you extra work in the long run. Regardless of your profession, these tips can help you perform the task at hand more effectively.