January means another round of New Year’s resolutions. You might make promises to yourself every year, only to abandon them after a few weeks due to boredom or discouragement.
If you are truly serious about improving your life, you should stick to your New Year’s resolution this year and beyond. Here are some tips to help you follow through on your specific resolutions.
Do Set Specific and Realistic Goals
Many people make general resolutions. They promise to eat healthier or exercise more regularly. Yet these goals are too vague and provide no direction as to how they will be achieved.
Instead, take a cue from the business world. Project managers often emphasize SMART objectives- those that are specific, measureable, attainable, relevant and timely. Your resolutions should fit into these categories, as well. For instance, you could promise to exercise a set number of minutes each week.
Your resolution should also specify how you are going to reach your goals. If you want to lose weight, you should state what dietary changes you plan to make. You could also promise to follow a certain wellness plan, such as Le-Vel Thrive. Le-Vel Thrive reviews indicate that this program, which includes shakes, capsules and a transdermal patch, can lead to improved digestive health and better weight management.
Whichever resolution you choose, it should be manageable based on your lifestyle. If you have a hectic work schedule and multiple children, you likely will not have time for hourly workouts every day. However, you may be able to take a 10-minute daily walk.
Do Verbalize and Write Down Your Goal
Do not just keep your resolution to yourself. Those who write it down or tell others about it are more likely to stick with it. You may even want to start journaling. Writing in a notebook can help you reflect on your successes and challenges.
Don’t Feel Pressure to Start On January 1
Just because you make your New Year’s resolution on January 1 does not mean you have to start progressing toward your goal on that date. You can wait a few weeks until you are fully ready. Before you begin, be sure that you are completely committed, and that you know exactly what to do and how to do it.
Don’t Repeat Your Mistakes
You will likely falter at some point. You will cheat on your diet or go a week without exercising. First, you must accept that mistakes will happen. If you spend the next few days wallowing in guilt, you will quickly fall off the wagon. You may even give up entirely. Instead, acknowledge the misstep and then immediately take steps to prevent it from happening again.
One study found that the majority of people who succeeded in their resolutions over a two-year period slipped up at least once during that span. Many of them messed up multiple times. They then used those mistakes to better themselves.
Do Ask For Help
You probably have a friend or relative who has a resolution that is similar to yours. Why not work together to achieve your goals? It will be much more fun losing weight or saving money with a partner.
However, you do not want to rely too much on your loved one for motivation. You need to hold yourself accountable, as well. This way, you can continue toward your goal even if your resolution partner is out of town. Try putting notes on your mirror or desk to remind yourself why you want to reach your goal.
Making a major lifestyle change is hard. Yet if you set a specific New Year’s resolution and create a plan for achieving it, you will be more likely to succeed. Sharing your plan with others should help, as well. If you do slip up or are unable to progress toward your goal right away, do not feel discouraged. Instead, keep moving forward when you are ready, and promise to not make the same mistake twice.