For any building or structure being built on any surface like land or water, it requires a strong foundation to ensure that the structure will continue to stand even in the most adverse climate conditions keeping its occupants safe. With development in technology, there have been various types of foundations that have been introduced in the construction industry and one such foundation is screw piles foundation. The entire structure and sustainability of a building gets done in the most effective manner when there is a screw pile foundation.

Screw Piles Foundations
So Lets start with the merits or the advantages of the screw piles foundations
- The structure can be mounted on almost all soil types in various climate regions, including swampy areas and permafrost regions.
- This arrangement of screw piles foundation has no significant effect on the groundwater location.
- A screw pile foundation is great for building a house in hard terrain areas.
- One of the best advantage of screw pile foundation is that all times of the year screw piles can be installed as the weather. that does not distress the superiority and strong point of the structure – the soil temperature is always unwavering at the soaking depth of its tips.
- The screw pile foundations do not freeze if the temperature and the soil are freezing
- Installation work shall be performed as quickly as possible. For instance, for a medium-sized home with the use of special equipment can be literally prepared in a day.
- Screw piles can be immediately used to strap the walls after the installation because like concrete structures, it does not require time to set in, maturation, and gain strength. Hence no other other type of foundations are closer to screw piles foundations.
- The screw piles do not draw humidity from the ground so that house walls and floors are always dry.
- You can design and install several tools at the same time with or after the setting up of the foundation essentials.
- With the accurate choice and trustworthy setting up of high-quality stacks, the robustness of the foundation is estimated for many decades to come.
- Building a screw piles costs approximately 30 ? 40% less than the concrete base. The savings in costs can be very impressive, given that the construction of the foundation is always one of the most expensive stages for building a house.

Screw Piles
For the screw piles, what are the things that one should be aware of during the construction?
The process of installation and maintenance is generally tough on rocky soils, on uneven roads and if there are lots of sand and silt on which any construction is to be done. Also, if they are overloaded, they become weak, thereby causing the building walls to crack or get destroyed. Depending on the region of manufacture, sometimes, the cost can go very high.
The usage of screw piles cannot be done in the areas around railway tracks, mining and quarries, high voltage lines because these are said to create vibrations in the soil which can start the process of metal corrosion of the screw piles foundations
If the screw pile foundation is being used in an area where an extension of the house is to be done, it becomes a bit difficult to install the foundation, but it can be solved with the help of special equipment. Also, there can be an additional problem that is faced by environmental corrosion.
There are many more pros and cons of screw piles which can be considered if you are looking to use screw piles foundation for your construction project. You can talk to an experienced engineer or contractor who can help you answer your questions and clear your doubts.