Follow the five tips to get 95% marks within a month
All your life, you have been expected to come out with flying colors in everything you have aspired for. Education is one of the fundamental pillars of an individual’s life, and it is imperative to succeed in that sphere to earn a decent living. It not only secures a recurrent pay-check of a hefty amount every month but also confirms social security for life. Now, all the students are not similar.
Everyone has different individual needs, perspectives, and ways to achieve their desired goals. Also, every student does not have the same intellect. While someone can be a frivolous reader and ended up scoring the highest in exams, the other one can be a mediocre struggling to stay put in the competition.
It does not matter whether you belong to which of these categories, but with exams approaching in a month, you must be equally paranoid. Put an end to all your wonders and worries as to how you will finish up the entire syllabus and cope up with the exam stress as here are some pro tips for you to follow. Keep an eye on the Sarkari info being published at regular intervals while concentrating on the preparations.

- Chalk out a time-table
You can do a lot in 24 hours a day for an entire month if you spend it wisely. For starters, you can fix a schedule for yourself and then adhere to it. Mark out all the chapters and subjects you need to finish before the exams. Then allow some time to every section according to its importance. Also, keep some spare time for revisions every day. This way you will finish up the syllabus as well as you will not forget what you read the last day. Adhering to it will let you finish the course in a month without much stress and problems.
2. Be an early riser
It is not a healthy practice to stay up all night, reading, and then being sleep deprived throughout the day. Try to get up early in the morning. With better blood circulation and both, the mind and body are fresh, and you can sit and read for hours at a stretch. You will easily remember everything and can solve hard equations as your brain works well.
3. Understand your energy level
It is never possible to have the same energy level throughout the day. You will get tired after some time, or it may be so that you do not feel like studying anymore. It is fruitful if you could understand your pattern and then schedule your day accordingly. For example, you can get up early in the morning and solve the complex mathematical problem or read up science when you have a high and fresh energy level. Keep the lighter subjects to be read post-lunch or dinner. Chart out your revision time accordingly when you can sit or lie down while going through already read pages.
4. Meditate
With a lot of pressure and too much going on, it is challenging to concentrate. There is absolutely no point in sitting for hours in front of the book while you do not remember a line you read. Meditation is beneficial in such a scenario. Wake up in the morning and spend at least 15 minutes meditating. It will refresh your mind, body, and soul where you get some extra energy to concentrate on the day’s routine.
5. Recess
Remember, it is equally essential to bring out some time for yourself and take a break. If you continuously keep studying and do nothing to give yourself some free time, it is not a valid measure. Listen to music, watch television shows, read books of your choice, go out and play. Keep some time allocated for your entertainment every day. It will help you to freshen up. Follow the above tips and get your desired 95% Sarkari result info on the result declaration day.