You should make it a point that your reward your Instagram followers for viewing and sharing your posts, or pictures to be precise, in the social media. This will help you to gain their trust. They will feel that you care for them and value their actions, feedbacks and suggestions. In short, it will help a great deal in your business promotion.

You can reward your followers with a discount, a free item or a promotional code depending on the type of your business and product.
According to eMarketer research, it shows that women spend more time on social media, even more than they spend on Facebook, and women love something in return, especially something that is free. The report says:
- 48% of women admitted that they have increased the amount of time they spent on Pinterest and blogs
- 67% of women said the same about Instagram and
- Only 30% said that they spend more time on Facebook.
These figures point out that for most women social media is more like their family or friend. However, women do want to be notified about gifts, promotions, coupons, and shopping deals.
In other words, women typically have a dual interest in social media: personal as well as commercial. They have a habit of mixing their personal and commercial interests into a single feed. For instance:
- They post family photos
- They talk about their kids and
- They ask for information about the product.
Therefore, the best way to interact and establish a relationship with women is to personalize your brand. This will help you to create a better and more impactful social presence that will satisfy their wish to establish a connection, especially on specific platforms such as Pinterest and Instagram, which typically are more trustworthy to women.
Plan an integrated campaign
You will also better off if you plan an integrated campaign. That means mixing social media and Instagram together. Since all these social channels feed off of each other, it will help all your potential customers to see your campaign on different social media channels such as:
- Instagram and many others.
People will remember you and your brand, therefore, making your marketing campaign more effective, fruitful and fast. All you have to do is to ensure that your content is:
- Entertaining
- Informative
- Relevant to your business type and product
- Shareworthy and
- Not disruptive.
The tactics of integrating social media marketing and Instagram is in vogue now among the marketers. This is because they can direct their social and Instagram followers to their official websites. This enables them to reach out to more and more people thereby increasing their chances of conversion and business revenue.
Top social media strategies
Reaching at this point of the article if these facts, insights, and figures prompted you to include Instagram or any other social media platform into your media marketing strategy, then you should follow the top social media strategies to ensure success.
These social media strategies are applicable to any platform whether it is Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. These tips and strategies are tried and tested and have proved to be most effective for any type of business to:
- Generate more leads
- Attract new customers and
- To grow sales.
The secret of success in social media marketing is to operate on a solid foundation. In order to build such a solid foundation, you will need three special elements such as:
- A failsafe strategy
- Valuable and relevant content and most importantly
- The technical and strategic know how.
If you do not have these then it will not only cause disruptions in your business but will also turn out to be a sheer waste of time, effort and most importantly, money.
Bit of stats
Integrating social media and Instagram is the best thing a small business owner can do as that will help the business to build awareness, increase the number of traffic and customers and grow sales.
A few statistics will help you to know the power of such integration which will help you a lot in making the right decisions before you finally decide that Instagram should really be a part of your social strategy. According to survey reports, it is found that:
- 33% of internet users are hooked on Instagram
- 60% of Instagram users login to their account daily
- About 80 million users of Instagram reside in the United States alone and
- Level of engagement on Instagram is 10 times higher than Facebook and 84 times higher than Twitter.
Impressed? What does it all these facts and figures mean to you? It means Instagram has a much more engaged audience as compared to any other social media platforms. Why? This is because:
- The platform has eliminated frills
- It has useful features
- It is highly functional because it exclusively shares strong visuals through photos and videos and
- It has less competition compared to other social media giants.
Therefore, now is the time to integrate the two and deliver your content just as the users want to buy putting the best foot forward.
Steps to follow
Finally, the steps that you should take to ensure you have a successful integration of social media and Instagram.
- Start with convert your account into a business account to get easy access to features that are not accessible on personal accounts
- Focus on using a hashtag strategy so that your brand and business get noticed and in turn grow engagement and build your following
- Keep your customers in mind always and share their photos if required as that is one of the best strategies for growth
- Be creative to the hilt as creativity wins in Instagram and it is the only best quality, consistent, unique and authentic images, and videos are noticed and
- Host a contest or giveaway but make sure that you do it correctly to get big results.
Ideally, Instagram is the best platform to showcase your product and creative skill and social media will help you boost your following and interact with others. Net result: Your business success!