Population: 4,031,699
Recife is the capital and largest city in the state of Pernambuco, South America. It is on the Atlantic at the mouth of the Capibaribe, Baberibe and Jordaio rivers. It is characterized by many rivers, small islands, and bridges in the city , giving it a Venetian feel.

It is brimming with a vibrant culture, old history, and has tourist attraction including nice beaches with lots of Sharks, the Malakoff Tower, The Mercado São Jose (Market of Saint Joseph), and the Dois Irmãoss Park.
These cities are currently ranked amongst the world’s most dangerous cities to have as a travel destination as at mid-year 2018. In 2017, they ranked among the world’s most dangerous places on the basis of murder cases per capita. But what else is there about these places? What amazing things shouldn’t you miss about these places? We have shortlisted in our travel diary, the hottest fun spots, travel destinations, tourist choices located in these “bad” cities; the most exciting places on the earth.
Tourist Locations Zona Sul;
This is the most modern and part of ; The battle of Malakoff was a major battle during the Crimean fought between the French-British forces against Russia. Have a tour guide handy when exploring this monument. Olinda; Known for its deep cultural heritage, pastel- colored houses and colonial churches, the open-air museum was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1982.
A stunning marketplace. It holds a great level of mystery. It was converted from a prison to a contemporary house for live performances.
Safety index: 22.96
The general crime rate in Brazil is at an all-time high, with a 2016 UN report ranking all 8 state capitals in Brazil’s northeast consulate district among the top 50 least friendly places to visit in the world. Criminal gangs often harass tourists in public places. Vehicles stuck in traffic are sometimes targeted. Tourists and Visitors are advised strongly to comply with the demands of criminals when they encounter them. Resistance often leads to serious bodily harm. Crimes against tourists are greater in areas surrounding hotels, airports, nightclubs and public centers.