Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement (PTM) was erected as a bogey by hostile agencies in the name of Pashtuns, same old wine in new bottle. Three leaders were created from local breakaway faction of Awami National Party (ANP) and activists of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).

Mohsin Dawar, who was courted in US by Hussain Haqqani’s SAATH forum and Stimson centre has become a pawn in the hands of anti-Pakistan agencies, mainly operating from Afghanistan.
PTM leaders are pursuing the agenda through a web having signatures of Foreign HIAS. Case of the US Army veteran Colonel, Lawrence Sellin can be quoted as a new example. Colonel Sellin has started tweeting on anti-Pakistan themes about China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Pakistan’s role in Afghanistan, Balochistan, Sub-nationalism (Pashtun, Sindhi, Mohajir, Baloch). He has been following the narratives mostly of Afghanistan’s intelligence agency National Directorate of Security (NDS) and Indian RAW. He also writes anti-Pakistan Blogs and articles. Baloch, PTM and sub-nationalists and Hussain Haqqani are his followers on twitter.
After reverses in Afghanistan and likely peace deal between the US and Taliban, PTM leadership finds their space squeezed on both sides of Pak-Afghan border.
RAW and NDS are trying gimmicks and tricks in this losing battle and resurrection of PTM bogie is last ditch effort to save face.
Mohsin Dawar, who was courted in the US by Hussain Haqqani’s SAATH forum and Stimson centre has become a pawn in the hands of anti-Pakistan agencies, mainly operating from Afghanistan.
Under the cover of fighting terrorism, these foreign agencies which are also in collaboration with the NDS and are supporting the militants of ISIS (Daesh) Afghanistan-based Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), including their linked outfits which have been conducting terror-assaults in Afghanistan and Pakistan as part of the secret strategy of the US-led countries—double game of America. Besides Pakistan, these terrorist groups have also been destabilising Tibetan regions of China and Iranian Sistan-Baluchistan through subversive activities.
Particularly, India and Afghan government which want to prolong the stay of NATO forces in Afghanistan are also playing double game with America. New Delhi knows that after the withdrawal of the NATO forces, Taliban will eliminate the secret network of RAW, TTP, the NDS and Israeli Mossad in that lawless country. Therefore, these intelligence agencies are especially using the terrorists of TTP and ISIS in wakening Afghanistan and Pakistan.
In the recent past, TTP’s media cell had issued a statement of its chief of Noor Wali Mehsudon on Eid-ul-Azha—the message is political in nature and reflective of duplicitous character of Noor Wali Mehsud. Once again, TTP chief made false propaganda that Madaris and Ulema are under threat in Pakistan. As a matter of fact, more than 35 thousand Salafi, Barelvi, Deobandi, Ahl-e-Hadith and Shia Madaris are freely operating in the country. Their administrations have consistently refuted TTP’s terrorist ideology. In his message, TTP chief addressed the issue of assassination attempt on Mufti Taqi Usmani and exploited it for his nefarious propaganda against government institutions.
Similarly, the heirs of late Maulana Samiul Haq are alive and well-connected with the public, then, how TTP chief can made a baseless suggestive statement to malign government institutions in his murder. The son of Maulana Sami Maulana, Hamidul Haq had blamed foreign hostile powers for his murder, thus, the comments of TTP’s chief were unfounded and immoral.
This is the first time in the history of Pakistan that polling was held for elections of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Assembly in the merged tribal districts of FATA on July 20, 2019. According to reports, voter turnout remained decent.
In fact, Pakistan Army played a key role in restoring peace in the tribal regions. Therefore, almost all political parties nominated their candidates for the constituencies, as the political activities have gained peace. Army made strenuous efforts to bring the people of FATA in the mainstream of the country.
Perhaps, the mainstreaming of tribal districts and their masses’ participation in elections pained TTP leaders the most. TTP had perpetrated the most of its attacks in KP and Pashtun are major victim of terrorist activities, by exploiting Pashtun card for nefarious propaganda, it is adding salt to the injuries. So, the participation of masses of tribal districts in political activities proves that they believe in peaceful democratic governance.
The tribal regions remained troubled for over a decade ever since the US-led so-called war on terror started. Pakistan’s Armed Forces and particularly Army have successfully broken the backbone of the foreign-backed terrorists by the military operations Zarb-e-Azb and Radd-ul-Fasaad, while country’s primary intelligence agency ISI has broken the network of these terrorist groups by capturing several militants and thwarting a number of terror attempts. Besides other provinces, peace has been restored in the KP. In this respect, thousands of terrorists were killed and huge quantity of explosives seized during the operations of the security agencies.
So, to sustain the hard-earned peace, Pakistan Army has also started the fencing of the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. It would stop preventing illegal cross-border movement—including those of terrorists who enter Pakistan from Afghanistan’s side and bring the drug-weapon trade to a halt. The fencing of the Pak-Afghan border which is 2,611-kilometre is expected to be completed by 2020 whereas 643 kilometres–462 kilometers in KP and 181 kilometers in Balochistan have been covered so far. 843 border posts are planned, out of which 233 have been completed, while the construction of 140 posts is underway.
It is due to the huge sacrifices of Army and other law-enforcement agencies that improvement in the security situation in the tribal areas became possible. The number of check posts has also decreased by 31 percent in the past three years, resulting in growing trade activities. Roads have been improved for connectivity with other areas of the country, including FATA. In this regard, more than 800-kilometres of roads have been constructed in the tribal districts as part of the communication network, thus reducing the time to one-thirds.
It is mentionable that external powers which have been supporting the Baloch Sub-Nationalists (BSNs) are also behind the PTM as part of their unfinished agenda against Pakistan. They leave no stone unturned in misguiding the people of the Balochistan and particularly those of the KP by creating one after another issue. In this respect, emergence of the PTM at a crucial time, which is being paid by anti-Pakistan hostile elements and countries, aims at accentuating the ethnic cleavages of the country, influence Pashtun population in pursuance of strategic objectives of the foreign powers. PTM which is actually a veritable political entity of the Afghanistan-based TTP and wants to accomplish its nefarious designs against Pakistan and its Army has opposed the amalgamation of FATA/PATA with KP province.
However, it is because of the Army’s development-works in the tribal areas that the PTM has failed in instigating the public against the federation of the country. While, amalgamation of FATA/PATA with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province will result into multiple benefits for the people by overcoming their multi-faceted problems. Therefore, the merger of FATA/PATA with the KP was welcomed by the tribal people—the tribal people will get representation in the KP Assembly and the National Assembly.
It is positive dimension for the tribal people, as they have got rid of colonialism which continued after the partition of the Sub-continent. The tribal Sardars (Lords) who continued British practices were in favour of the division of FATA/PATA and KP. Now, this merger is likely to upset sub-nationalist tendencies, being manipulated by Pakistan’s foreign enemies and some internal entities.
It is worth-mentioning that especially the people of FATA are thankful to the Pakistan Army which played a major role in integration of the tribal regions with the mainstream of the country. Therefore, during the polling-day, people were raising slogans in favour of Pakistan Army.
Hence, despite foreign funding and international support, PTM was not able to bluff the people of erstwhile FATA or Pakhtuns living in KP and Balochistan.
We can conclude that Mohsin Dawar is a sold lad pampered particularly by RAW, NDS and failing hostile agencies. Pakistani people, including brave Pashtuns reject this stooge of foreign powers.