Prostate cancer is one of the leading health concerns among men around the globe. As men get older, there is a higher chance of prostate gland getting enlarged because of improper bladder function. This is called as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Over 50% of men above 50 years of age are diagnosed with BPH. The symptoms often include frequent urination, especially during night, back pain, difficulty in urinating, blood in the urine or semen, pelvic discomfort, pain during ejaculation and also, erectile dysfunction.
On some occasions, the symptoms might not show up, hence, a routine health check-up is mandatory to keep track of the bladder functions. Many times, men feel embarrassed to undergo tests or to seek treatment. However, in view of the rising cases of prostate cancer, one should not feel embarrassed and get tested routinely or if any symptoms surfaces. , Treatments are very effective if prostate cancer is diagnosed early. If you have any of the symptoms listed above, talk to your doctor immediately and seek his advice. If medicines are prescribed, order medicines online from any trusted online pharmacies and get your medicines delivered right at your doorstep.
Meanwhile, positive nutrition and a healthy lifestyle can deliver more benefits to our life. Therefore, even with prostate health, a simple addition of certain superfoods may prevent prostate cancer while improving your overall health and well-being. So, stretch yourself and look at the superfoods listed below:
5 Superfoods for a healthy prostate:
Check out the following 5 superfoods which you can try to enhance your prostate health:Nuts: Nuts like almonds, walnuts and pecan nuts are loaded with selenium. The mineral selenium helps to decrease the risk of prostate cancer. But, too much of selenium can be toxic, hence, watch out for the portions before you plan to consume. Selenium is also rich in antioxidants and phytonutrient hence; it can improve your prostate health and reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
1) Nuts:
Nuts like almonds, walnuts and pecan nuts are loaded with selenium. The mineral selenium helps to decrease the risk of prostate cancer. But, too much of selenium can be toxic, hence, watch out for the portions before you plan to consume. Selenium is also rich in antioxidants and phytonutrient hence; it can improve your prostate health and reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

2) Soy:
Soy helps to reduce dihydrotestosterone hormone in men, which is responsible for the overgrowth of the gland. There are several soy products available in the market in the form of tofu, tempeh, and soy milk. Try adding it in your favourite recipes to protect your body from prostate cancer risk.

3) Tomatoes:
The antioxidant Lycopene present in tomatoes aid to defend prostate gland and it reduces the size of the tumour in men with prostate cancer. Men who consume raw or cooked tomatoes and tomato-based products are less likely to develop cancer. Encompass more tomato in your diet.
4) Green Tea:
Green tea is best known for its antioxidant properties. The components such as catechin, epicatechin, Xanthine derivatives and epigallocatechin present in green tea may help to inhibit the development of prostate cancer. Try to replace your regular coffee with a cup of green tea and shield yourself from various types of cancers.

5) Chia seeds:
A miracle seed, which when consumed regularly can protect prostate health. You can include chia seeds in a smoothie or sprinkle on fruits of your choice for the proper functioning of the prostate gland.

Foods to avoid:
Here is a list of foods that you need to avoid to keep your prostate gland healthy:
- Red meat
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Dairy products
- Salt/sodium
- Processed meat
- Saturated fat
Incorporating certain types of superfoods in your diet can reduce the risk of many diseases. Speak to your doctor before you plan to take any dietary supplements or while changing your diet, as certain foods can interact with your medications. Also, go for a routine prostate exam and a yearly health check-up to avoid any cancer risk. If you are already diagnosed with prostate cancer and on treatment, then it’s time to save your money on medicines. Hence, shop for your prescription medicines from any online pharmacy store and avail incredible medicine discounts on every order.