People always pray to remain healthy and active every day so that they easily perform regular chores and also do the things they are passionate about. But feeling ill sometimes is also part of life, and there are numerous acute and chronic ailments that can afflict a person.

There are common and acute illnesses that occur for a couple of days, and a person usually finds relief by taking prescribed medicine. The chronic ailments on the other hand usually last longer than six months, and people usually find relief for some time by taking medications, but proper treatment lies in surgical procedures and post-operation therapy sessions.
Alternative medicine has always been practiced by people since ancient times when there was no concept of medicines. People in the ancient civilizations used to find a cure in treatment with plants and herbs. Many of the medicines we use today are the result of scientific research on plants and herbal matter. The human body has a very efficient and functional immune system that deals with infections and illnesses on its own, and there is also a mechanism that allows the human body to heal on its own without the need of different medicines, drugs, and surgical procedures. There are many forms of alternative medicine that have given comfort to patients all over the world such as Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Massage therapy, Aromatherapy, Crystal healing, Naturopathic medicine, and yoga.
Many people are now rediscovering and trying out alternative medicine because many are tired of taking medicines, many people have an allergic reaction to some medicine and drug, and the cost of healthcare is increasing day by day and getting out of reach from moderate earning people. Alternative medicine is considered safe and cost-effective as compared to conventional methods of medicinal treatments and surgical procedures. The alternative therapy and massage therapies are providing significant relief particularly to people suffering from chronic diseases and being unable to find comfort from the conventional methods.
Naturopathic medicine is one of the alternative methods that involve natural remedies that enable the body to heal itself. Naturopathic medicine consists of many relatable therapies, which include herbs, exercise, acupuncture, massage, and nutritional counseling. The origin of Naturopathy dates back to the 1800s from Germany, but today it combines both the ancient and modern medical treatments.
How does Naturopathy work?
The purpose of naturopathic medicine is to treat a person on the whole that includes his/her body, mind, and soul. The goal is not only to identify and heal the root cause but to stop the symptoms. A naturopathic doctor will take around two hours to examine your body conditions and ask pertinent questions about your lifestyle, medical history, family, and stress levels. The doctor may also advise some lab tests to identify further and diagnose your problem and provide suitable relief.
The naturopathic doctor will also discuss your diet plan, and as naturopathic medicine focuses on mind, body, and soul, the doctor will also give you tips and instructions on diet, exercise, and stress management. The doctor may use many alternative methods as complementary medicine such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, and homeopathy along with naturopathic treatments. The doctor may also take help from massage to exert pressure on the body; this is called naturopathic manipulative therapy.
Naturopathy is considered a comprehensive approach to fitness and wellness and allows a person to achieve optimum health and well-being. Naturopathic medicine is practiced in hospitals, clinics, offices, and community centers. The many reasons why you should have a naturopathic consultation are
Naturopathy emphasizes disease prevention
The main goal of naturopathy is determining the underlying cause of the condition or disease a person is suffering and providing treatment that activates the natural healing process of the body. A naturopathic doctor, also called naturopath, will not only heal the health of the person but also improve the lifestyle of the person.
Naturopathy will effectively help people suffering from different health conditions
The naturopathic services are best suited to assist in the treatment of many prevailing health conditions that patients suffer from, which includes cardiovascular problems, digestion, sleep disorders, skin conditions, fertility, arthritis, hormonal imbalance, migraines, and stress.
Naturopathy involves non-invasive treatments
The best part about naturopathy is that it does not involve any invasive treatment and allows a human body to heal on its own. The physical signs and symptoms of the person are examined, along with his/her lifestyle habits and emotional health. The nutritional element deals with advising a person to consume natural foods and increase the intake of wholesome foods to provide maximum nourishment to the body. The naturopath has devised certain plans that combine natural medicine with the chemically made medicines. Combining natural and prescription medicine can be tough, but it can be achieved through professional advice and suggestions from a naturopath, pharmacists, and general practitioners (GP).
Naturopathic consultations are affordable
The Naturopathy consultancy is economical and affordable, and a person should try it given the health benefits that he/she will get.
A consultation with naturopathic doctor or naturopath will be a longer session as compared to your visit to the doctor or a physician because the naturopath will take a detailed assessment of your health and view your existing condition from different aspects. The steps that a naturopath will take are
- Determine the health of the person and know about a person’s medical history to identify the root cause of the medical problem or condition
- Give dietary advice, which will depend on the health and lifestyle of the person. The naturopath will also advise on a person taking herbal medicine, vitamins, and other supplements to restore and maintain optimal health.
- Taking blood tests and many of the underlying symptoms are best explained by the hematology results. The blood analysis including white and red blood cell count can tell a lot about the general condition of a person and any underlying medical problem that can lead to a chronic illness.
- Iridology or analysis of the iris of the eye is also done, which can tell a range of health facts of a person.
There is a range of treatments that can come under naturopathy which include counseling, herbal medicine, massage, nutritional counseling, homeopathy, and massage. A person would be called for follow up sessions to know if a particular health plan is getting required results or need some modification on the medical plan.