Motherhood is not a cakewalk and surely requires several helping hands. This is especially true when a woman has just had a baby. Women experience tremendous physical, mental, and emotional changes all through the nine months of pregnancy. Sometimes, they also go through postpartum depression, causing a lot of problems in their marriage and their relationship with the newborn.

Motherhood is a completely new chapter in a woman’s life, which requires her to accept cast changes and recreate her life. The initial 6-8 weeks post-pregnancy are quite crucial for both the mother and the infant. She has to learn to cope with the needs of the newborn along with her own mental, emotional and physical needs.
If you too are going through the same phase, ask your spouse to help you with it. Both of you have to shoulder responsibilities equally. He has to be more understanding and patient while you are surfing through all the changes.
Discussed below are three essential aspects to be considered while rediscovering yourself:
Keep a check on meals
Since your body has gone through pregnancy and childbirth, it needs time to recover. You have to take ample rest and eat healthy meals regularly. The weight you have gained all through your pregnancy can help you during recovery. The excess weight can be helpful for breastfeeding your baby. This is because a new mother has to stay healthy and active so that she can take proper care of the baby.
Include green leafy vegetables, grains, fruits, and dairy products in all your meals. You can also get in touch with a dietician and follow her instructions to stay healthy. Dry fruits also form a good source of energy for your body.
Set your routine in such a way that you get ample of ‘me-time’. You can read, exercise, get a power nap, listen to your favorite music, or indulge in any hobby you like.
Remember, not to be in a hurry to shed off those extra kilos by going on a strict diet. The main reason being your baby’s nourishment completely depends on you. You can cut down on unhealthy food, plus regular exercising can help you to reduce weight.
Get Ample Rest
Your infant will not have the same time clock as you do. This means that you have to alter your routine as per your baby’s needs. Your first pregnancy is more of an eye-opener because you and your spouse might be overwhelmed with all the baby chores. You are likely to be more exhausted than you imagine. Usually, an infant needs to be fed and their diapers have to be changed every three hours.
You may not get your good night’s sleep for months as you will have to change their diapers /feed your baby. Sleeping for five long hours might turn into a luxury. Despite this, it is important to take rest as and when possible.
For the initial weeks, you can ask your parents or a midwife to provide you with a helping hand. Match your sleep cycle with your baby’s sleep schedule. An evening walk at the nearby park can be refreshing.
Keep the baby occupied
Taking care of a baby requires a lot of time, effort, and dedication. It is tricky for a new mother to keep up with the needs of the infant. It might seem difficult, but you and your partner can together make this work by understanding the needs of the baby and splitting home chores.
You can invite your parents as they can keep the baby occupied and you don’t have to constantly worry about the needs of your little bundle of joy. If you are looking for toys then, you can search for wholesale baby toys suppliers as they can keep your baby engaged. You can also ask your midwife to provide you a helping hand for a few initial weeks.
Remember, that every baby is different and has different requirements. Whoever offers a helping hand needs to be informed about the needs of your baby so that they don’t have to struggle. For example, if someone is going baby shopping for you, then prepare a proper list for them. If you prefer a particular brand of wholesale baby items suppliers, then mention that in the list.
This way, the task can be completed in a hassle-free manner.