Most Common Injuries You Can Get on the Job

Most Common Injuries You Can Get on the Job

Workplace injuries happen all the time. Whether you’re working on an industrial site or operating out of an office, accidents can always happen; even the most well-trained employees can slip and hurt themselves.

While accidents are unpredictable, some wounds occur more often than others. However, some of the most common injuries you can get on the job are avoidable. Keep an eye out for conditions that could cause these problems and keep yourself healthy at work.

Slips and Falls

Unless you work inside a protective bubble, you’re always at risk of sustaining a falling injury. Slips occur in even the most neutral and controlled settings; you can fall walking to the printer just as easily as you can on a construction site.

Falling on the job can lead to sprains, fractures, or worse. If this happens to you, a personal injury lawyer can help with workplace injuries; these professionals will get you the compensation you deserve.

Falling Objects

Another common injury you can get on the job involves falling objects. This often happens in the shipping and storage industry since many warehouses use overhead space to increase their item occupancy.

Falling objects can cause concussions and other serious head injuries. You should always report these instances to your employer as soon as they occur. Failing to do so is a common workers comp mistake that could affect your case later on.


Working long hours with few breaks will likely lead to exhaustion. On its own, exhaustion takes a massive toll on your health—it can make you sore and dizzy, or lead to chronic headaches and irritability, among other symptoms.

In the professional world, exhaustion is a double-edged sword. Being overly tired will impair your decision-making skills and delay your reaction times. These symptoms can lead to further workplace injuries that can put you out of commission for an extended period of time.

It’s the employer’s responsibility to maintain a safe work environment and culture. However, employees who are aware of common injuries can take steps to avoid dangerous conditions. The most important thing to remember is to take care of your health so you can bring your A-game during working hours.

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