Do you fall sick more than often? Are you more prone to infections and changing weather syndromes? If you said yes to the above questions, then there is something wrong with your immune system. You may not realize it, but your body’s biological defenses to combat foreign intruders are weak.
Every time you fall ill, you have to visit a medical professional and take medicines as prescribed by him. And some of these medicines have their side effects. But what if I tell you, there is a sweeter and more natural way to boost the immunity of your body? Yes, you heard it right. I’m going to tell you about that unique natural remedy, which can strengthen the defense system within your body.
How many of you have heard about Manuka Honey? Well, just to enlighten your knowledge, manuka honey is a special type of honey, which is produced in New Zealand by bees pollinating the manuka bush.
Manuka honey contains various health benefits such as healing the sore throat to curing infections and gingivitis. However, it also improves the immune system and stimulates the immune cells. One of the main compounds of manuka honey contains antifungal, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties, which fight the foreign particles entering the body.
Helps to Prevent Chronic Sinus Infections
Have you experienced recurrent headache or facial pain? Do you face a problem while breathing due to nasal obstruction? Do you feel your sense of smell has reduced than before? Well, all these symptoms indicate that you are probably suffering from chronic sinus infections.
However, a study found that manuka honey has a powerful antibacterial element that kills the biofilms available in the sinus infection. It helps to reduce common colds, headaches, nasal polyps, and others.
Helps Heal Chronic Wounds
Have you ever noticed that some wounds do not heal properly even after several days? Again here, biofilm is the main culprit that restricts antibiotic treatment. In the case of chronic wounds, the healing process stops and does not progress further. Thus, the wound is left in an inflammatory condition.
However, the antioxidant properties of manuka honey help to reduce the damage caused by neutrophil accumulation. It further leads to a decrease in the inflammation in the wound up to a certain level.
Manuka honey also promotes the growth of monocytes, a specific kind of white blood cells. Monocytes are the most important cells in your body that take the first response to any attack or any infection. Manuka honey provides strength to these monocyte cells.
Boosting the Immune Function
According to human anatomy, the immune cells secrete chemical messengers known as Cytokines, which helps to organize the immune response. A study by researchers at Leukocyte Biology revealed that manuka honey increased the number of blood cells present in plasma. Similarly, one observed that manuka honey also enhances the iron level in the blood with an increase in the number of neutrophils and lymphocytes.
Helps to Heal the Periodontal Disease
Have you heard or suffered from the periodontal disease before? Well, it’s a kind of oral disorder in which the teeth are affected by dental plaque and tartar. It causes inflammation, infection, or even gum loss.
Now, this is where manuka honey can play a preventive role. The antibacterial compounds of manuka honey act as an antiseptic mouthwash, reducing the plaque, controlling the damage.
Besides, according to WebMD, manuka honey contains methylglyoxal, that helps to reduce gingivitis.
Manuka Honey: One Product Many Solutions
Manuka honey is an effective natural remedy that helps to boost your immune system by fighting against foreign particles. It is also regarded as one of the best skincare products to help reduce pimples and signs of aging. The presence of methylglyoxal in manuka honey acts against fungal infections to keep your body healthy and fit. So, start consuming manuka honey from today to reap its plethora of benefits.