Maintenance Tips To Keep Your Car in Good Shape
Making sure a vehicle—whether it’s old or brand new—lasts as long as possible is every owner’s goal. But with so many working parts to such a complicated machine, keeping track of everything tends to get a bit dizzying. To help you organize your thoughts, here are a few maintenance tips to keep your car in good shape.
Keep an Eye on the Tires
A simple task you can do every so often is inspect the condition of your tires. Keeping a watchful eye over tire wear is essential, especially for tires nearing 5 or 6 years old, as the risk of them completely wearing out becomes more likely. The last thing you want is to lose complete control of your vehicle due to lack of traction, and for that reason, it’s vital to keep your wheels in check.
Change the Wipers
Windshield wipers aren’t invulnerable by any means. Depending on the quality of the ones you buy, most need replaced anywhere between 6 and 12 months. When you’re considering the right time to replace your wipers, pay attention to any streaks left over when they pass from one side to another. Wipers should cleanly wipe everything off and provide a clear view for the driver. If they leave any residual streaks that impede your vision, even slightly, it’s time to consider replacements.
Keep an Ear Out
Your car has a few ways of hinting that something is wrong. Knowing what to listen for will become a crucial skill when you’re maintaining your vehicle. Low rumbles could be indicators of wheel bearing issues, but screeches when you turn the vehicle show potential problems with the steering or suspension system. Additionally, sputtering from underneath the vehicle typically points to exhaust troubles, while sounds from your engine may signal a number of potential issues that require attention. If something sounds wrong, checking it out is worth a moment of your time to ensure the longevity of your car.
Be Careful of Snow
This is one of the most troublesome things to deal with when you want to prevent damage to your vehicle. Salt can corrode any exposed metal on your car and lead to rust. Taking precautions to reduce the damage from this reaction requires careful consideration. Waxing your car before the weather gets too cold will provide a layer of protection to the exterior; sealing the underside will have similar effects. If possible, it’s a good idea to avoid driving before and after a fresh snowfall. This is when the road will get the most salt, which will kick up underneath your car.
Though keeping a vehicle perfectly pristine throughout its entire life isn’t realistic, these maintenance tips to keep your car in good shape will help you develop good habits and techniques in the long run. A well-maintained vehicle will stay reliable and durable for years to come and keep you safe as a result.