Latest Russia News – News about Russia should be learned by most Americans. Russia is one of the largest countries on Earth. It has a long and storied history. It was even one of the global superpowers during the 20thcentury. Without a doubt, Russia still wields a tremendous amount of influence on the global stage. As a result, people pay close attention to what is happening in Russia.

Following World War II, Russia was one of the two surviving superpowers in the world, with the other being the United States of America. Russia, which at the time was known as the USSR, entered into a Cold War with the United States that lasted more than forty years. The USSR broke apart in 1991 into the various nations of Eastern Europe and Russia as it is known today. Even though Russia lost the Cold War, this country is still a global player. There are a lot of big events happening in Russia in 2020.
Russia and the Oil War
One of the biggest events taking place in Russia right now is an oil war. Without a doubt, Russia is in an economic war with some of the other biggest suppliers of oil. Thanks to the coronavirus pandemic and the internal issues throughout the various petroleum countries, this oil war has become a major issue across the globe. Oil prices are plummeting and this is reflected in the tanking gas prices in the United States. It is now common to see the price of gas below two dollars per gallon in the United States, which hasn’t been seen in a long time. It will be interesting to see how Russia responds to this war and how it impacts the state of the global economy.
Russia and the 2020 United States Presidential Election
Of course, one of the major news seen with regard to Yandex SEO news is the 2020 election in the United States. By now, it is commonly accepted that Russia interfered in the United States’ presidential election back in 2016. They were able to spread misinformation and lies throughout social media platforms in an effort to get Donald Trump elected. With the 2020 election on the horizon, there are major fears that this could happen again.
With antennas up across the United States, people are wary of Russia’s role in the presidential election this year. There are already reports coming out that Russia might try to interfere again. It will be interesting to see how the United States acts to put a stop to Russia’s interference.
Russia and Vladimir Putin
Finally, another major piece of Russian news has to do with what Vladimir Putin is going to do with regard to his power. The ex-KGB agent has held power in Russia for a long time, having played multiple roles including President and Prime Minister. Even though he let someone else take the role of President when he moved to Prime Minister, he still has all the real power.
Technically, his term as President is going to expire soon; however, there are already rumblings that he is going to make amendments to the Russian constitution that might allow him to stay in power into the 2030s. Putin has been the subject of a tremendous amount of scrutiny over the years. It is well-known that he does not like journalists. He was visibly uncomfortable when he was interviewed by Chris Wallace several years ago and was pressed on how his political rivals keep ending up dead and why Russian government agents were indicted for interfering in the election in the United States.
Russian News in 2020
These are a few of the biggest issues that are going to dominate the news cycles coming out of Russia this year. This is a new decade and the global balance of power might be getting ready to shift once again. It will be interesting to watch Russia’s role evolve as the year unfolds.