Sleep affect your body – You have already heard about the benefits of proper sleep. Surely your parents scolded you for watching militants and horror films before bedtime. Perhaps you are also trying not to abuse coffee in the afternoon so that after midnight you do not turn in bed hoping to fall asleep. But these are far from the only “abductors” of your sleep.

Today we will tell you about seven of them and you will certainly be surprised:
1. Lack of Diet Schedule
There are a lot of conversations about the connection between food and sleep, but they often overlook one important point, your body loves a consistent schedule. It is much more beneficial for your health if you eat seven days a week at 8 p.m. than if you don’t eat five days after 6 p.m. and then pamper yourself with a sandwich at 11 p.m. for two days.
Even a very late dinner will not interrupt your sleep quality if you do so systematically. The body does not like surprises. If you want to fall asleep quickly then follow a schedule.
2. Using Mint Toothpaste
If you want to fall asleep quickly and easily, you may have to consider purchasing a new toothpaste. The fact is that most kinds of toothpaste have a pleasant mint flavor. It is known that aromas have a stimulating or calming effect on our nervous system. Studies have shown that peppermint aroma is an invigorating odor.
Peppermint toothpaste is perfect for the morning, but for evening hygiene procedures, it is better to choose a paste with strawberry flavor.
3. Reading Books at Night
If the book is tedious and after a couple of minutes the letters begin to float in front of your eyes, then for a good sleep this is exactly what you need. But interesting, exciting stories that cause tempestuous emotions are a very bad way to fall asleep. Book plots are often designed to constantly encourage you to read the next chapter and you can’t fall asleep until you find out how the tense dramatic episode ended.
It is better to give preference to light reading, which does not cause a stream of thoughts and a storm of emotions.
4. Smoking Before Bedtime
Are you used to thinking that a cigarette helps calm your nerves and relieve stress, so it will help and get ready for bed? This is not true! Nicotine also has a stimulating effect, which will interfere with your sleep. Stop smoking cigarettes before bedtime and the process of falling asleep will greatly improve.
5. You Overheat While You Sleep
It’s nice to put on a warm pajama before going to bed and wrap yourself in a blanket! This seems like a great start to a calm, serene, and healthy sleep but an increase in body temperature under layers of warm tissue can lead to sleep disturbances. The temperature under the covers should be comfortable. Cold is not useful because this factor also negatively affects sleep.
6. Eating Lemon
Do you like to drink tea with lemon? Perhaps you even replace your afternoon cup of coffee with them so as not to have problems with falling asleep. But lemon cannot be called a friend of deep sleep. This citrus fruit has a stimulating effect on our body and it improves mental activity, gives us liveliness, and fills us with energy. Tea with lemon before bedtime is a bad choice if you want to fall asleep quickly. Prefer soothing herbal teas instead.
7. Electrical Appliances on Charge
Even when you follow all important rules for “safety sleeping” and do not sit on social networks until midnight, do not check your mail before going to bed, and do not put your smartphone near the pillow, your gadgets can still ruin your sleep. It turns out that even the faint light that usually comes from charging an electric device can disrupt healthy sleep and cause chronic fatigue the next day.
The effect of blue light is especially strong on our circadian rhythms. Charge electronic devices before bedtime or in the morning.