Congrats..!!! Now that you have assigned for the job of being a bridesmaid, you have invited some essential responsibilities to fulfill. The job of a bridesmaid isn’t as easy as it sounds. With all the responsibilities that come with it, it is important for you to know some simple expenses that you need to bear in her wedding. Some of them are truly very important to understand. Or else, making the bride feel awkward will not be a good option, especially when she is expecting something from her genuine loving bridesmaids. So for sure, you need to put some efforts and money into it. So, without further ado, let’s jump right into it and learn some crucial points about what expenses should be covered by the bridesmaid.
Buying your bridesmaid dress:
Yes, some bride does cover the cost of the dress for the bridesmaid as well. But traditionally, it is believed and expected that the bridesmaid must cover their expenses. So, if you are thinking of taking the first step right, then go and buy yourself a good and appropriate bridesmaid dress. It will always make the bride happy and satisfied that the bridesmaids she chose are taking care of their dress. Plan it with the other bridesmaids if you feel much of a burden. But don’t plan so big that the bride’s dress fades away in the charm of the bridesmaids.
Wedding Planning
If you are the matron or the maid of honor then congratulations again, you have been registered the accountability for planning the whole wedding or at least for the bridal shower. Not only that, to be a good bridesmaid, make sure that it’s your bridesmaid’s team who has to cover the expenses of the bridal shower. Invest in flowers of different colors or invest in the décor to make the event look bright and you can also choose floral wedding invitation cards for the floral theme wedding. Plan it well to make it worthwhile, as it is THE BIGGEST EVENT for the bride and know it that if she has employed you in her gang, that means she is trusting you with her life. Just be on board and prepare for the recipe for the best wedding.
Wedding party:
The wedding party or some people say “Bridal party” plays a crucial role in every wedding event. They are the side which does all the planning and initiates efforts for the main event. And the bridesmaids are the most core of any Bridal group. So to be a good and generous bridesmaid, make sure you don’t trouble the bride for all the petty expenses required during the planning and initiating it. Know your position and values to make the wedding THE WEDDING.
Bachelorette party in on bridesmaids always
No ifs and no Buts, every single bride expects the maid of honor and the bridesmaids to plan the bachelorette party and cover the expenses of it. You are expected to come up with great ideas and decorations to make the bachelorette party the party of the lifetime. However, if your budget is very packed up, then there is no need for panicking or hesitating. Talk to the maid of honor and share your budget with her. She is the most responsible person to look after the expenses of this bombastic party. If not her, and only if the budget is very tight, then only visit the bride’s mother, she can chip in some cash for the party as she is the second most excited lady after the bride.
Take care of your traveling expenses:
Wedding gift
Spending so more cash and bearing most of the expenses, bridesmaids do feel a crisis for a while, but that not just it. With all these expenses that you have to cover, don’t forget to stack in some easy cash to make some budget for the wedding present. All’s well that ends well. And the wedding present is the end of all expenses for the bridesmaid. So trust me, you don’t want to end things wrong, even after covering up all the expenses. Take the contribution from all the bridesmaids so that the budget for the present will become more sound and stable.
Wedding Gifts
Not just these expenses, but the bridesmaids have much more responsibilities on them. Somehow expenses are all in quantitative terms, but there indeed few responsibilities which are much of a qualitative term.
Wedding ideas are one of them. To make the best use of all the expenses, you as a bridesmaid is the main architect of the whole event. From ideas to décor, everything will cherish only if bridesmaid makes a solid effort to chip in some great efforts. Not just that, you have to make sure about all the planning is being implemented completely.
And to put a cherry on the top, the perfect bridesmaid is the one who behaves well at the wedding and shows great etiquettes in the wedding. Participating in every single part of the wedding, from the bachelorette party to opening bars in the reception, it all sets in well for the bride if all the bridesmaids are indulging in the event completely.
So, remember always, this touch of wedding etiquettes is what makes a perfect recipe for being the best bridesmaid ever. Indeed, knowing and covering all the expected expenses with great planning and ideas, are going to make the wedding stand out and will feel like paradise for the bride and groom as well. And more importantly, let the bride and groom adore the way you all planned and executed the wedding.