If you wish to know the Best Doctor For IVF Treatment in India, it is undoubtedly Dr Parul Katiyar with 16 years of experience and 98% of success rate.

The doctor is conducting the treatment of patients in Nova IVI Fertility in New Delhi. She has been defining the personalised methods of treatment for all the patients after a thorough diagnosis.
She starts the treatment with the diagnosis, and then counselling of the patient. She first guides the patient for an ideal lifestyle before beginning with the procedure. Once the patient is physically, psychologically, and financially prepared for the treatment, then she starts with the process.
Essential Requirements and Preparations From The Patient’s End For The Success of an IVF Procedure:
The doctors give there 100% in the IVF procedure. Still, there are times when one patient achieved the desired results from the IVF treatment in maximum two to three cycles, and others do not get it even after the number of cycles are doubled up.
It is not the doctor and treatment procedure that is always at fault. Sometimes it is the ignorance at the Patient’s end that affect the results of an IVF procedure.
So, if you want to avail the successful treatment, here are some of the tips and tricks to be followed defined by the best IVF doctor in India.
- Always visit the doctor for a check-up ten days before your menstruation cycle. It is the best time for the proper diagnosis.
- Whenever you plan for the IVF procedure, make sure you are free from all stress, to be it in your professional or personal life.
- Maintain an ideal lifestyle. You have to balance your work life and rest. Do not overexert in any condition.
- If possible, take a break from your professional life for a while and focus on things like your interests, hobbies, and anything that makes you happy.
- Avoid sleeping late and waking up late. Early to bed, and early to rise can help you more to avail the desired results. Make morning exercise the necessary part of your daily routine.
- If you are addictive to drugs, smoke, or alcohol, it is the right time to stop, or no doctor can help you in conceiving anytime.
- The diagnosis and change in the lifestyle of both the patients is a must. Otherwise, you cannot expect the favourable results.
- Do not cheat on food. Junk food and unhealthy consumption is a poison for you when you are planning to conceive. It is a must that you follow a balanced diet. All the nutrients are essential for your body to get you the desired outcome of your treatment.
In a Nutshell:
In India, the reason for success is not any extraordinary procedure by the doctor, but it is the additional care and guidance that is given by the doctors. You would receive a Low-Cost IVF Treatment that too with the assurance of results, what else you require.