Python is a general-purpose but high-level language. This programming language is devised to make it quick and easy for developers to make interesting apps, software, etc. Python is one of the easiest languages to learn, therefore, even if you don’t have any programming or development experience, then only you can easily learn Python and start your coding career.

The readability factor makes Python a top choice of the industry. Also, many newcomers opt for Python because of this reason only. At the end of the day, programmers know that if the language is easy, then their work will automatically become smooth. As Python has numerous benefits and because it is used by tons of companies, therefore, it is believed that Python is almost everywhere. It is not only used by a specific industry or for a certain field, in fact, but it is also used by a wide range of different industries and in different domains. Surprisingly, it is also used by several new-age technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc.
As, Python is high in demand, as a result, the Python programmers’ demand is also increasing day by day. Also, they are offered various different and interesting profiles like data scientist, research analyst, software developer, software engineer, etc. This is also because Python is used for various diverse purposes.
Python is everywhere
Web app development
One of the prime uses of Python is that it lets you develop high-end web applications. Several useful libraries can be used to develop an app. Most of the libraries are designed for specific internet protocols, for example, there are some only for JSON, some for HTML and XML, and there are libraries for IMAP and e-mail processing as well. A few of the most popular libraries are Feedparser, Requests, Paramikom, BeautifulSoup, etc. At the same time, there are several frameworks available as well, like Django. Therefore, the road to developing a web app becomes very easy with Python.
Data Sciences, including Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, etc.
Python is introduced to the world of data science as well, and it is doing quite a wonderful job there. It is used for making interesting apps and programs for data visualizations, machine learning as well as for data analysis. And, several libraries help the developers to create something magical for the data science industry. For example, Matplotlib is one of the best libraries for data visualization. But, only after learning the basics, then you can make the most of these libraries to create an impact in the data science industry. At the end of the day, this industry will grow and become huge, therefore, Python has a lot of scope in data sciences.
Its Google’s favorite?
Google has been using Python development services for a long time and as this language is one of the most high-level languages, therefore, Google surely can do a lot with it. Python is used by Google to write most of the main search algorithms. Also, there are several code review tools and systems which are also developed using Python. There are plenty of Google related libraries as well, like Google APIs Client Library, etc. Additionally, even YouTube uses Python for a host of other activities.
Python is becoming a top choice of the world, and therefore, you will find it in almost every industry. Even hackers have started using Python in recent times. Therefore, there is no doubt about the fact that Python has a very bright future, and it is a fantastic career field as well.